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Friday, February 28, 2025

THA health secretary warns against complacency with COVID-19


1086 days ago
Assemblyman Dr. Faith B.Yisrael, Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection, and Assemblyman Ian Pollard, Secretary of Settlements, Public Utilities and Rural Development, address the media during the Post THA Executive Council media briefing, on Wednesday 9th March 2022.  (Image courtesy Office of the Chief Secretary, THA)

Assemblyman Dr. Faith B.Yisrael, Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection, and Assemblyman Ian Pollard, Secretary of Settlements, Public Utilities and Rural Development, address the media during the Post THA Executive Council media briefing, on Wednesday 9th March 2022. (Image courtesy Office of the Chief Secretary, THA)

Sec­re­tary of Health, Well­ness and So­cial Pro­tec­tion, As­sem­bly­man Dr. Faith B.Yis­rael, has urged To­bag­o­ni­ans to not be­come com­pla­cent where COVID-19 is con­cerned, even as in­fec­tion rates and death rates ap­pear to be de­clin­ing.

Speak­ing at this week’s me­dia brief­ing fol­low­ing the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly’s Ex­ec­u­tive Coun­cil Meet­ing on Wednes­day March 9th, the Health Sec­re­tary called on all To­bag­o­ni­ans to con­tin­ue ad­her­ing to all COVID-19 pro­to­cols.

“En­dem­ic does not mean the pan­dem­ic is over. It sim­ply means that there is a high but con­stant num­ber of cas­es,” Dr. B.Yis­rael ex­plained.

“As the world is slow­ly re­lax­ing COVID-19 guide­lines, in To­ba­go, there will be a re­turn of out­pa­tient clin­ics at the Scar­bor­ough Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal (SGH).

Dr. B.Yis­rael al­so re­vealed that elec­tive surg­eries will restart, and asked peo­ple to do­nate blood at the SGH's blood bank.  Those in­ter­est­ed in do­nat­ing blood are asked to call the blood bank at 660-4744 (ex­ten­sions 3098 and 3099).

The Health Sec­re­tary al­so gave an up­date on an which in­volved an EHS am­bu­lance, not­ing that on­ly eight am­bu­lances will now have to ser­vice the is­land.

Dr. B.Yis­rael said she was giv­en as­sur­ances that one less am­bu­lance should not af­fect re­sponse time.


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