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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

?Thirty new faces to market CAL on-line


?Thirty Caribbean Airlines ambassadors filled the spotlight during this photo call. Photo: SEAN NERO

?Thirty Caribbean Airlines ambassadors filled the spotlight during this photo call. Photo: SEAN NERO

Thir­ty young adults of Caribbean her­itage, re­sid­ing in ma­jor North Amer­i­can cities and re­gion­al ter­ri­to­ries will now car­ry the ti­tle brand am­bas­sadors for State-owned Caribbean Air­lines Lim­it­ed (CAL).

They were cho­sen at Thurs­day's fi­nal for Faces of Caribbean Air­lines con­test held at the Rise Rooftop, Carl­ton Sa­van­nah Ho­tel, lo­cat­ed at Cas­cade in St Ann's, Port-of-Spain. Celebri­ty judges Pe­ter Elias, Ashvin Bal­ly, Calvin French and Miss Uni­verse 1998 Wendy Fitzwilliam had the fi­nal say. Phillip Saun­ders, chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer of CAL, said "the vi­brant brand am­bas­sadors would make the air­line more ac­ces­si­ble than be­fore."

Mi­a­mi car­ni­val, sched­uled to be held in Oc­to­ber, will be the first as­sign­ment for these young am­bas­sadors. Fi­nal­ists at Faces of CAL–20 women and ten men–were se­lect­ed from a slate of 950 can­di­dates on an In­ter­net-dri­ven cam­paign, con­duct­ed pri­mar­i­ly on the so­cial plat­form Face­book. Test­ing the pow­er of on-line me­dia, CAL spent US$2,500 on the Face­book ini­tia­tive alone. Saun­ders un­der­scored the role that so­cial me­dia con­tin­ued to play in the mar­ket­ing strate­gies of com­pa­nies. "The search had the po­ten­tial to be­come an an­nu­al event for the air­line," he said.

"The on-line brand am­bas­sador search re­ceived al­most 1.5 mil­lion page views and about 85,000 new vis­i­tor to the site in just two months. "Caribbean Air­lines is con­fi­dent that so­cial me­dia cam­paigns are here to stay and will form a large part of our strat­e­gy in the fu­ture."

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