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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tobago homes for aged told to get their acts together


972 days ago
The Secretary of the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection on the Tobago House of Assembly Dr. Faith B.Yisrael, left, chats with Coastguard officer  Nicholas Romeo who gave a unit of blood on  Friday at the Bucco Health Facility.  Looking one are Nurse Michelle Bruce, second from left and Dionne Patrick-Waterman.

The Secretary of the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection on the Tobago House of Assembly Dr. Faith B.Yisrael, left, chats with Coastguard officer Nicholas Romeo who gave a unit of blood on Friday at the Bucco Health Facility. Looking one are Nurse Michelle Bruce, second from left and Dionne Patrick-Waterman.

Shastri Boodan

Shas­tri Boodan

Homes for the aged op­er­at­ing in To­ba­go have been warned to get their act in or­der.

Mak­ing this call, Dr Faith B.Yis­rael, the Sec­re­tary of the Di­vi­sion of Health, Well­ness and So­cial Pro­tec­tion in the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly, said the let­ter of the law would be ap­plied when it comes to fa­cil­i­ties tak­ing care of the el­der­ly.

She was at the time field­ing ques­tions from the me­dia on Fri­day at the Buc­coo Health Fa­cil­i­ty when To­ba­go host­ed its first vol­un­tary blood dri­ve. B.Yis­rael said per­sons can no longer open and op­er­ate any fa­cil­i­ty un­less all of the re­quire­ments are met.

How­ev­er, B.Yis­rael said she could not give any up­dates on a home for the el­der­ly at the Store Bay Lo­cal Road that was closed down ear­li­er this week and the res­i­dents had to be re­lo­cat­ed.

She said, "There is leg­is­la­tion known as the Pri­vate Hos­pi­tals Act that is sup­posed to gov­ern and is sup­posed to de­ter­mine who has a li­cense to be a home for the aged. It's one of the leg­is­la­tions that have been on the books and we have not re­al­ly used it be­fore and the Min­istry of Health and the THA have start­ed the process of en­sur­ing that all of our Homes in To­ba­go and in Trinidad are ac­tu­al­ly li­cens­es."

B.Yis­rael said the process of in­spect­ing homes for com­pli­ance has al­ready start­ed. She said it would be up to in­di­vid­u­als to ask homes for their li­cens­es which should be done by the end of the year. B.Yis­rael said there are around 8 of­fi­cial homes for the aged. How­ev­er, there are in­di­vid­u­als who have start­ed op­er­a­tions with a hand­ful of el­der­ly per­sons.

"We are en­sur­ing that the in­di­vid­u­als who do that, do it the cor­rect way."

B.Yis­rael said To­ba­go would be en­cour­ag­ing per­sons to do­nate blood vol­un­tar­i­ly. She said two chairs for blood donors have been ac­quired which can be sta­tioned at any point on the is­land. She said tra­di­tion­al­ly in­di­vid­u­als have on­ly do­nat­ed when rel­a­tives or per­sons known to them were in need of blood.

She said the new sys­tem seeks to en­sure a re­li­able sup­ply of blood for any­one in need. Dr Vic­tor Wheel­er, the Med­ical Chief of Staff of the To­ba­go Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (TRHA) said the stock of blood in To­ba­go has been low for years, es­pe­cial­ly dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Dr Wheel­er said the is­land needs around 800 units of blood an­nu­al­ly and the TRHA is seek­ing to get around 600-700 donors to give blood 2-3 times an­nu­al­ly.

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