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Monday, March 3, 2025

Tobago records 82 COVID-19 cases in schools, 2 MIS-C cases


1014 days ago
Dr Faith B.Yisrael, Secretary for Health, Wellness and Social Protection in the Tobago House of Assembly.  (Image courtesy Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection)

Dr Faith B.Yisrael, Secretary for Health, Wellness and Social Protection in the Tobago House of Assembly. (Image courtesy Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection)



To­ba­go has record­ed 82 COVID-19 cas­es emerg­ing among stu­dents and staff on the is­land since the re­turn to phys­i­cal class­es on April 19. The up­date came dur­ing a joint press con­fer­ence in­volv­ing the Di­vi­sion of Ed­u­ca­tion, Re­search and Tech­nol­o­gy (DERT) and the Di­vi­sion of Health, Well­ness and So­cial Pro­tec­tion (DHWSP).

Ac­cord­ing to Ed­u­ca­tion House Of­fi­cer at the DERT, Dr Dane Joseph, along­side the stu­dents and teach­ers were six staffers at the di­vi­sion. He said among the cas­es in schools, 33 were sec­ondary school stu­dents and 49 were pri­ma­ry school stu­dents. He ex­plained the ma­jor­i­ty of these cas­es, 52, were from the Cen­tral Re­gion, with 14 in the North Re­gion, and 16 in the East. How­ev­er, he said the di­vi­sion has no­ticed a plateau in these cas­es over the past five weeks.

"In the ear­lies, the num­ber per week were rel­a­tive­ly high at a num­ber of 17.  How­ev­er, this has grad­u­al­ly re­duced, and we are see­ing ac­tu­al­ly a plateau of cas­es be­ing around 10 to 12 cas­es per week amongst our schools," Dr Joseph re­port­ed.

Sec­re­tary of the Health Di­vi­sion, Dr Faith B Yis­rael, in­di­cat­ed there were two cas­es of Mul­ti-sys­tem In­flam­ma­to­ry Syn­drome in Chil­dren (MIS-C) to be record­ed with­in re­cent weeks on the is­land.

She said the con­di­tion, which fol­lows a COVID-19 in­fec­tion, is pre­dom­i­nant­ly wit­nessed in chil­dren 5-17 years old in To­ba­go. It is why she urged par­ents to get their chil­dren vac­ci­nat­ed, more so now that the dos­es for 5-11-year-olds have ar­rived in the coun­try.

"We are hop­ing that the par­ents… in the past you've en­sured that your chil­dren were vac­ci­nat­ed against all of the oth­er things we get vac­cines for. The Yel­low Fever and the Whoop­ing Cough, and the Measles, Mumps and Rubel­la (MMR).  That has been our tra­di­tion,” Dr B.Yis­rael point­ed out.

“We've boast­ed in the past about hav­ing very high vac­ci­na­tion rates for all of those, and we are hop­ing that the par­ents con­tin­ue to pro­tect their chil­dren by al­low­ing them to be vac­ci­nat­ed, be­cause it's the safe thing to do at this point," she added.

To­ba­go's cas­es rep­re­sent 8.63 per cent of the to­tal num­ber of cas­es to emerge with­in the school sys­tem for the coun­try since the re­turn to phys­i­cal class­es this term. As of last week, there were 950 such cas­es across both is­lands.

On Wednes­day, Min­is­ter of Health Ter­rence Deyals­ingh con­firmed that be­tween May 9 and 15, there were 328 pos­i­tive COVID-19 cas­es com­ing out of 153 schools. The first week of the re­turn saw 28 cas­es from 16 schools. The sec­ond week saw 288 cas­es from 243 schools, fol­lowed by 306 cas­es from 144 schools in the third week. Ac­cord­ing to Min­is­ter Deyals­ingh, there were 328 cas­es from 153 schools for the week pri­or to last week's up­date.

SchoolsTobagoCOVID-19childrenCovid-19 outbreak

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