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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tragedy mars Sando Carnival as reveller crushed to death by truck


Sascha Wilson
12 days ago
The music truck, which rolled over and crushed pensioner Selwyn Little in San Fernando yesterday, being towed from Cipero Street after the accident yesterday.

The music truck, which rolled over and crushed pensioner Selwyn Little in San Fernando yesterday, being towed from Cipero Street after the accident yesterday.


Car­ni­val cel­e­bra­tions in San Fer­nan­do were marred yes­ter­day af­ter a mu­sic truck crushed a 74-year-old rev­eller to death on Cipero Street.

Sel­wyn Lit­tle, a pen­sion­er, was hold­ing a ban­ner for Jam­merz In­ter­na­tion­al, a sailor band, in front of the truck around 4.10 pm when the brakes failed as the ve­hi­cle came down an in­cline.

The truck struck him and then rolled over him.

Po­lice said Lit­tle lived in Mon Re­pos. 

Po­lice of­fi­cers cor­doned off the area, and oth­er bands and San Fer­nan­do Car­ni­val stake­hold­ers had to get per­mis­sion from of­fi­cers to seek al­ter­na­tive routes to get to the judg­ing point in front of the South­ern Acad­e­my for Per­form­ing Arts along the Rien­zi Kir­ton High­way.

At least one band, Fire­works Car­ni­val, which was wait­ing to en­ter on­to Cipero Street was al­lowed to turn around and pass through Prince of Wales Street which con­nects low­er down Cipero Street.

“This is very sad, a re­al trag­ic way to lose your life. It is noth­ing we ex­pect­ed. This morn­ing I did not get any re­ports of any in­ci­dents,” said San Fer­nan­do May­or Robert Par­ris.

Par­ris said Lit­tle was well known in San Fer­nan­do, es­pe­cial­ly around Car­ni­val time, as he was con­sid­ered an icon in the south­ern city and was al­so part of the Joey Lewis band.

While the ac­ci­dent caused a de­lay in the move­ment of the bands, Par­ris said, “We would have to con­tin­ue with the Car­ni­val be­cause per­sons would have pre­pared ... but they nev­er pre­pared for a tragedy like this.”

Par­ris said he con­tact­ed Act­ing Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young to let him know what hap­pened.

Short­ly af­ter the in­ci­dent, mem­bers of Jam­merz In­ter­na­tion­al said they were un­cer­tain if they would be on the road Car­ni­val Tues­day (to­day) af­ter Lit­tle’s trag­ic death.

As­sis­tant Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Wayne Mys­tar in charge of the South­ern and South West­ern Di­vi­sions said the dri­ver is as­sist­ing po­lice with their in­ves­ti­ga­tions. He said the dri­ver in­di­cat­ed that the brakes on the truck didn’t work when he was go­ing down the in­cline.

He said the truck met all the re­quire­ments and would have been giv­en a pass to be on the road for Car­ni­val.

How­ev­er, he said the truck had been im­pound­ed and Li­cens­ing of­fi­cers would be con­duct­ing fur­ther checks to de­ter­mine what went wrong.

He added, “We are urg­ing mas­quer­aders, band mem­bers, the or­gan­is­ers of those trucks to en­sure that those safe­ty pro­to­cols are main­tained.”

Sev­er­al rev­ellers and spec­ta­tors gath­ered at the scene and ex­pressed shock and sad­ness over the in­ci­dent.

Eye­wit­ness Tere­sa Fabi­an said, “I was sit­ting by the po­lice booth and I saw the mu­sic truck go­ing down Cipero Street and Lit­tle was hold­ing the ban­ner in front. He and an­oth­er one. They said the brakes cut and the truck just passed over him. He was just gasp­ing on the ground and he died right there.”

One vis­i­tor from Cana­da was up­set by the in­ci­dent, “This is non­sense. I saw him walk­ing with the ban­ner just a few min­utes ago and to hear this hap­pened. This is some bull.”

Al­though Lit­tle’s body was re­moved just af­ter 5 pm, up to 6 pm no Car­ni­val band had passed along Cipero Street. Six­teen bands were reg­is­tered with the San Fer­nan­do Car­ni­val Com­mit­tee to par­tic­i­pate in the Pa­rade of Bands on Mon­day and Tues­day.

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