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Monday, March 17, 2025

TSTT probes fatal motocycle crash


2064 days ago

A TSTT ca­ble is be­ing blamed for the death of a mo­tor­cy­clist who be­came en­tan­gled in the dam­aged line which had been left hang­ing at Jern­ing­ham Junc­tion, Cunu­pia, on Sun­day night.

At around 10 pm, Ron­nie Samuel, of Home­land Gar­dens, Cunu­pia, a WASA em­ploy­ee and fa­ther of two was rid­ing his mo­tor­bike along the main road when the ac­ci­dent oc­curred. His mo­tor­bike crashed about 500 feet away from where he fell on the road­way.

Close friends and rel­a­tives told Guardian Me­dia they were dis­traught and out­raged at the cir­cum­stances of his death.

"TSTT is to blame for this be­cause weeks now that ca­ble there and they failed to fix it. Now his chil­dren are fa­ther­less, " a close friend said as she broke down in tears.

Res­i­dents said a truck pulled down the ca­ble sev­er­al weeks ago and de­spite many re­ports to the telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny it was not re­paired and re­mained hang­ing across the junc­tion about four feet off the road. A res­i­dent tied a white cloth to the ca­ble as a warn­ing to mo­torists.

In an of­fi­cial state­ment, TSTT said it is in­ves­ti­gat­ing "the un­for­tu­nate cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the in­ci­dent in which Mr Ron­nie Samuel was in­jured and sub­se­quent­ly suc­cumbed to his in­juries."

The com­pa­ny al­so ex­tend­ed con­do­lences to Samuel's fam­i­ly "who has our as­sur­ance that this is re­ceiv­ing the com­pa­ny's full at­ten­tion and will be thor­ough­ly in­ves­ti­gat­ed. TSTT is un­able to com­ment fur­ther at this time."

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