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Friday, March 28, 2025

T&T flags to fly at half mast over death of Queen


931 days ago
FILE: The National Flag flies half-mast at the Fire One Fireworks, Macoya, in July 2021.

FILE: The National Flag flies half-mast at the Fire One Fireworks, Macoya, in July 2021.

The Min­istry of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty has ad­vised that at all state and non-state agen­cies and all our Trinidad and To­ba­go diplo­mat­ic mis­sions, the Na­tion­al Flag of Trinidad and To­ba­go are to be flown at half-mast, as a sign of re­spect, on the pass­ing of Her Majesty, Queen Eliz­a­beth II of the Unit­ed King­dom and the Com­mon­wealth of Na­tions.

"The flag is to be flown at half-mast, be­gin­ning im­me­di­ate­ly (to­day), to­mor­row and as well on the day of Her Majesty’s fu­ner­al ser­vice.

Mem­bers of the pub­lic are re­mind­ed that the Na­tion­al Flag should be flown at half-mast or half-staff by low­er­ing the flag by its own depth, from its nor­mal po­si­tion at the peak of the staff, when the na­tion is in mourn­ing," the state­ment said.

It not­ed that at half-mast, the flag is first hoist­ed to the top of the staff for an in­stant, and then low­ered to the half-mast po­si­tion. Be­fore low­er­ing the flag, it is again raised to the top of the staff and then ful­ly low­ered.

Oth­er flags on the same stand of poles should al­so be at half-mast or should not be flown at all, when the Na­tion­al Flag is at half-mast. Flags of for­eign na­tions should not be flown at half mast, un­less their coun­try is al­so ob­serv­ing the pe­ri­od of mourn­ing.

Queen Elizabeth II

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