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Sunday, March 23, 2025

T&T gets three matches for India series


Ryan Bachoo
650 days ago

Ryan Ba­choo

Trinidad and To­ba­go will host a Test match, a One Day In­ter­na­tion­al (ODI) and a T20I when In­dia vis­its the Caribbean in Ju­ly/Au­gust.

The se­ries starts with two Test match­es as part of the 2023-2025 ICC World Test Cham­pi­onship. Wind­sor Park in Do­mini­ca will host the first Test match from 12-16 Ju­ly. The sec­ond Test match, to be played from 20-24 Ju­ly at Queen’s Park Oval in Trinidad, will be his­toric mark­ing the 100th Test match played be­tween the two teams.

The Test Se­ries is fol­lowed by three CG Unit­ed One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als (ODIs) and five T20 In­ter­na­tion­als (T20Is). The CG Unit­ed ODI Se­ries will start at Kens­ing­ton Oval in Bar­ba­dos with the first and sec­ond match­es on 27 and 29 Ju­ly. The CG Unit­ed ODI Se­ries con­cludes on 1 Au­gust at the Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my in Trinidad which will be host­ing a West In­dies Men’s ODI for the first time.

The T20Is al­so bowl off at Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my on 3 Au­gust.

Guyana hosts the sec­ond and third T20Is at the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um on 6 and 8 Au­gust. The T20I Se­ries con­cludes in Lauder­hill, Flori­da with a block­buster week­end of back-to-back match­es on Sat­ur­day 12 Au­gust and Sun­day 13 Au­gust at Broward Coun­ty Crick­et Sta­di­um.


In­dia tour of West In­dies 2023

​Test Match­es

12-16 Ju­ly: 1st Test Match, Wind­sor Park, Do­mini­ca

20-24 Ju­ly: 2nd Test Match, Queen’s Park Oval, Trinidad

​* Lo­cal start time: 10h00 (09h00 Ja­maica time)

​CG Unit­ed ODIs

27 Ju­ly: 1st CG Unit­ed ODI, Kens­ing­ton Oval, Bar­ba­dos

29 Ju­ly: 2nd CG Unit­ed ODI, Kens­ing­ton Oval, Bar­ba­dos

1 Au­gust: 3rd CG Unit­ed ODI, Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my, Trinidad

​* Lo­cal start time: 09h30 (08h30 Ja­maica time)

T20 In­ter­na­tion­als

3 Au­gust: 1st T20I, Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my, Trinidad

6 Au­gust: 2nd T20I, Na­tion­al Sta­di­um, Guyana

8 Au­gust: 3rd T20I, Na­tion­al Sta­di­um Guyana

12 Au­gust: 4th T20I, Broward Coun­ty Sta­di­um, Lauder­hill, Flori­da

13 Au­gust: 5th T20I, Broward Coun­ty Sta­di­um, Lauder­hill, Flori­da

* Lo­cal start time: 10h30 (09h30 Ja­maica time)


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