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Friday, March 14, 2025

T&T remains under Adverse Weather Alert as Tropical Disturbance moves across Windwards


890 days ago


Kalain Ho­sein

Trinidad and To­ba­go re­mains un­der an Ad­verse Weath­er Alert (Yel­low Lev­el) from the Trinidad and To­ba­go Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Ser­vice (TTMS) that went in­to ef­fect at 12:00 AM (mid­night) on Wednes­day. The Alert, which is in ef­fect un­til 12:00 PM (noon) on Fri­day, says the sever­i­ty of im­pacts is mod­er­ate, and the cer­tain­ty of the ad­verse weath­er event is like­ly.

In TTMS’ up­date on Tues­day evening, they say, “There is al­so a 70% (high) chance of heavy show­ers and thun­der­storms that can pro­duce in­tense rain­fall in ex­cess of 25 mil­lime­ters. Gusty winds in ex­cess of 55 KM/H may be ex­pe­ri­enced es­pe­cial­ly in the vicin­i­ty of heavy show­ers/thun­der­storms. Street/flash flood­ing and lo­cal­ized pond­ing are al­so like­ly in heavy down­pours. Seas can be­come ag­i­tat­ed at times in shel­tered ar­eas. Land­slides/land­slips are al­so pos­si­ble in ar­eas so prone.”

For a mod­er­ate Ad­verse Weath­er Alert, there is the po­ten­tial for pos­si­ble in­juries, where be­hav­ioral changes are re­quired to en­sure safe­ty. There may be mi­nor dam­age to prop­er­ty, with in­come-earn­ing tem­porar­i­ly dis­rupt­ed and a cou­ple of com­mu­ni­ties af­fect­ed.

The TTMS is ad­vis­ing the pub­lic not to wade or dri­ve through flood wa­ters, to se­cure loose out­door items and live­stock, and mon­i­tor weath­er con­di­tions and of­fi­cial up­dates.

In­clement weath­er con­di­tions have on­ly just be­gun to spread across Trinidad and To­ba­go, all as­so­ci­at­ed with a trop­i­cal dis­tur­bance now cen­tered north of Trinidad. The Na­tion­al Hur­ri­cane Cen­ter (NHC) main­tains a medi­um chance of trop­i­cal cy­clone for­ma­tion over the next 48 hours and a high chance over the next five days at 60% and 80% re­spec­tive­ly.

In the NHC’s Trop­i­cal Weath­er Out­look at 8:00 AM, they ex­plain, “A broad area of low pres­sure lo­cat­ed near the south­ern Wind­ward Is­lands con­tin­ues to pro­duce a large area of dis­or­ga­nized show­ers and thun­der­storms. Radar im­agery from Bar­ba­dos and sur­face ob­ser­va­tions in­di­cate that the sys­tem has not be­come any bet­ter or­ga­nized since yes­ter­day. How­ev­er, up­per-lev­el winds are fore­cast to be­come more con­ducive for de­vel­op­ment, and a trop­i­cal de­pres­sion is like­ly to form over the next sev­er­al days if the sys­tem re­mains over wa­ter while mov­ing gen­er­al­ly west­ward at about 15 mph over the south­east­ern and south­ern Caribbean Sea. An Air Force re­con­nais­sance mis­sion is cur­rent­ly en route to in­ves­ti­gate the sys­tem this morn­ing.”

The Na­tion­al Hur­ri­cane Cen­ter adds, “Re­gard­less of de­vel­op­ment, heavy rain­fall with lo­cal­ized flood­ing, as well as gusty winds to gale force, are ex­pect­ed over por­tions of the Wind­ward Is­lands, north­ern por­tions of South Amer­i­ca, and the ABC Is­lands dur­ing the next cou­ple of days. In­ter­ests in those lo­ca­tions, in ad­di­tion to those in Cen­tral Amer­i­ca, should con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor the progress of this sys­tem.”

The of­fi­cial fore­cast for Trinidad and To­ba­go for to­day from the TTMS calls for “cloudy con­di­tions with oc­ca­sion­al light to mod­er­ate show­ers and ex­tend­ed pe­ri­ods of rain. There is the high chance (70-80%) of a few thun­der­storms. Con­di­tions ex­pect­ed to per­sist in­ter­mit­tent­ly overnight.” Seas in open wa­ters are mod­er­ate with waves be­tween 2.0 and 2.5 me­ters, with waves in shel­tered ar­eas less than 1.0 me­ter but oc­ca­sion­al­ly chop­py.

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