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Thursday, March 27, 2025

TTPS reports decline in car thefts


Rishard Khan
2114 days ago
Sgt Christopher Swamber of the Stolen Vehicles Squad, speaks during the weekly police press briefing at Police Administration Building, Sackville Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Sgt Christopher Swamber of the Stolen Vehicles Squad, speaks during the weekly police press briefing at Police Administration Building, Sackville Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.


Of­fences of mo­tor ve­hi­cle rob­beries and lar­ce­ny have been re­duced by 27 per cent for the pe­ri­od Jan­u­ary 1 to May 31 — with on­ly 300 in­ci­dents be­ing record­ed this year as op­posed to 411 be­ing re­port­ed for the same pe­ri­od in 2018.

Af­ter the drug trade, lar­ce­ny and rob­bery mo­tor ve­hi­cles is the next largest or­gan­ised crime in this coun­try. New ve­hi­cle own­ers are al­so the high­est risk of falling vic­tim.

Ac­cord­ing to Sgt Christo­pher Swamber of the Stolen Ve­hi­cles Squad, speak­ing at a week­ly press brief­ing of the Po­lice Ser­vice on Tues­day, "Re­ports of lar­ce­ny mo­tor ve­hi­cle of­fences for the pe­ri­od un­der re­view de­creased by 31 per cent as there were 168 record­ed re­ports in 2019, com­pared to 244 re­ports in 2017. For re­ports of mo­tor ve­hi­cle rob­beries, there was al­so a de­crease of 20 per cent, as there were 132 such re­ports record­ed in 2019, com­pared to 167 com­mit­ted in 2018."

The North­ern, South­ern and Cen­tral Di­vi­sions record­ed the high­est num­ber of rob­bery/lar­ce­ny of mo­tor ve­hi­cles for this year, with 72, 68 and 51 re­ports re­spec­tive­ly.

Be­cause of this, Swamber said "Mo­tor ve­hi­cle own­ers are, there­fore, strong­ly ad­vised to ex­er­cise ex­treme cau­tion when in these ar­eas."

He said 43 peo­ple were ei­ther ar­rest­ed or charged for mo­tor ve­hi­cle lar­ce­ny/rob­beries so far this year.

Swamber said ac­cord­ing to trends, new ve­hi­cle own­ers are most at risk.

"With­in the past few months we have not­ed an in­creas­ing trend of crim­i­nals tar­get­ing brand new mo­tor ve­hi­cles, es­pe­cial­ly the Hyundai Tuc­son, the Nis­san X-Trail and the Kia Sportage. Many of these ve­hi­cles are bought with a war­ran­ty, which pre­vents their own­ers from in­stalling an­ti-theft or GPS de­vices in the ve­hi­cle," he said.

He, there­fore, ad­vis­es that new car own­ers to re­turn to the com­pa­ny and in­form them of their de­sire to in­stall an­ti-theft de­vices to se­cure their ve­hi­cle dur­ing the war­ran­ty pe­ri­od.

For those with the GPS track­ing sys­tem, he ad­vis­es that they "vis­it the com­pa­ny at least once per month and have their tech­ni­cians ac­ti­vate the GPS track­ing sys­tem, to ver­i­fy that the de­vice and their sys­tem are both in work­ing or­der. In­creas­ing­ly, we are find­ing that com­pa­nies are un­able to ac­ti­vate the track­ing sys­tems in a time­ly man­ner when a ve­hi­cle is stolen, giv­ing crim­i­nals suf­fi­cient time to find and dis­con­nect the GPS de­vices."

It is not un­com­mon to hear of peo­ple be­ing robbed or tak­en ad­van­tage of when at­tempt­ing to buy a ve­hi­cle they saw ad­ver­tis­ing on­line or in the news­pa­pers.

For this he ad­vised: "As far as pos­si­ble, do not walk with large sums of cash to pur­chase ve­hi­cles which are ad­ver­tised on­line or in the news­pa­per clas­si­fied ads. Al­ways seek a se­cure method of pay­ment through a bank or meet with the sell­er of the ve­hi­cle at a safe lo­ca­tion. Po­ten­tial buy­ers run the risk of be­ing robbed of the cash when they ar­rive at the agreed meet­ing point."


Of the 300 ve­hi­cles re­port­ed stolen (lar­ce­ny/rob­bery) up un­til May 31 2019, 60 were Nis­sans which rep­re­sents 20 per cent of the to­tal fig­ure.

The pre­ferred choic­es were:

TI­I­DA (14)

B14 (14)

AD Wag­on (10)

B13 (5)

B-15 (5)

Wingroad (4)

X-Trail (4)

Almera (3)

Navar­ra (1)

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