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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Omega, Ansa Mo­tors part­ner in big give­away

Twelve cars up for grabs


Radhica De Silva
2079 days ago

Peo­ple who use Omega XL di­etary sup­ple­ments are al­ready ex­pe­ri­enc­ing ease from ex­cru­ci­at­ing body pains. How­ev­er, over the next ten months they will be get­ting an­oth­er big ben­e­fit—the chance to win one of 12 brand new cars.

Al­ready, two new CNG Hon­da City cars have been giv­en out at Ansa Mo­tors in Cir­cu­lar Road, San Fer­nan­do, by Omega XL Great Health­works brand man­ag­er Carl Lewis.

It was part of the com­pa­ny’s Get Paid to be Healthy pro­mo­tion, where cus­tomers can win a Hon­da City each month, $20,000 for tu­ition fees or $10,000 in shop­ping vouch­ers.

The com­pe­ti­tion runs for one year and the draw, ap­proved by the Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board, takes place on the 15th of each month.

Yes­ter­day, nurse Vil­ma Grant-Koy­lass got the keys to her brand new car hav­ing won the sec­ond draw. Pe­ter Mot­tee, of Man­zanil­la, was the first win­ner for the month of June.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia at the Ansa Mo­tors show­room, Grant-Koy­lass said it was on­ly af­ter she re­ceived her keys that it dawned on her that she had ac­tu­al­ly won a car.

“It was on­ly when I came here I re­alised it’s true. I am not one to be­lieve in com­pe­ti­tions. I al­ways thought it was rigged and peo­ple will give prizes to their friends and fam­i­ly,” she re­vealed.

Grant-Koy­lass, who man­ages a pri­vate med­ical clin­ic, said she nev­er won any­thing in her life and ini­tial­ly she was not even in­clined to en­ter. She said she start­ed tak­ing Omega XL af­ter she be­gan get­ting joint pains.

“That prod­uct re­al­ly works and I con­tin­ued us­ing it. My hus­band was in­formed about the com­pe­ti­tion and he en­cour­aged me to fill out the form. I thought it was a waste of time, I nev­er be­lieved I would win,” she shared.

When her name was pulled in the draw, Grant-Koy­lass said she re­ceived a call from Omega XL no­ti­fy­ing her she was a win­ner but thought it was a hoax. Her hus­band Michael Ron­don took the call and while Ron­don gave in­for­ma­tion to the caller, Grant-Koy­lass re­mained con­vinced it was un­true.

“We are re­al­ly hap­py to have won and we en­cour­age every­one to use Omega XL and see the ben­e­fits. Al­so, don’t for­get to en­ter the com­pe­ti­tion,” Grant-Koy­lass said.

Lewis said Omega XL has been used by thou­sands of peo­ple.

“Chron­ic in­flam­ma­tion is the root cause of dis­ease. Omega re­duces the in­flam­ma­tion that caus­es pain, so it deals with the root of the prob­lem where­as phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals treat the symp­toms.”

The all-nat­ur­al sup­ple­ments are made from a unique blend of free fat­ty acids, in­clud­ing Omega-3s, ex­tract­ed from the green-lipped mus­sel of New Zealand. For more in­fo email jsendall@greathealth­

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