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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Two gunned down in Enterprise


Rhondor Dowlat
28 days ago

Po­lice are prob­ing two mur­ders in En­ter­prise, Ch­agua­nas, Thurs­day evening.

Po­lice iden­ti­fied the first vic­tim as Avinash Gob­in, al­so known as Spi­der, a 40-year-old land­scap­er who lived at Branch Trace, En­ter­prise.

At 4.15 pm, of­fi­cers of the Ch­agua­nas Po­lice Sta­tion re­spond­ed to a re­port of gun­fire at Branch Trace.

When they ar­rived, they found Gob­in shot dead in­side his house.

A rel­a­tive told of­fi­cers that he re­turned home from work and placed his bag on a chair. Soon af­ter, the rel­a­tive heard gun­shots and found Gob­in on the floor.

Po­lice re­cov­ered six­teen 5.56 spent shells and six 9mm spent shells marked “IMI,” along with one 9mm spent shell with a Trinidad and To­ba­go Reg­i­ment mark­ing on it.

In a sep­a­rate in­ci­dent, a man iden­ti­fied on­ly as Ki­no was killed on Phyl­lis Lane Ex­ten­sion, En­ter­prise. Po­lice are con­tin­u­ing their in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

— Rhon­dor Dowlat

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