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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Two killed in central Trinidad


Shastri Boodan
35 days ago

The mur­der of a Carlsen Field res­i­dent led to a traf­fic grid­lock from Chase Vil­lage to as far as Gas­par­il­lo, as his body was found near the ex­it ramp of the south­bound lane of the Sir Solomon Ho­choy High­way yes­ter­day.

Po­lice said Com­mu­ni­ty-Based En­vi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion and En­hance­ment Pro­gramme (Cepep) em­ploy­ee Rolan­do Suther­land, 44, was shot in the head a short dis­tance from his home at Carlsen Field, cen­tral Trinidad, around 5 am yes­ter­day.

Rel­a­tives said Suther­land was a sin­gle par­ent who had two teenage sons and a 12-year-old daugh­ter.

They said Suther­land was a Mus­lim but shied away from speak­ing more about him as they said they did not want pub­lic­i­ty.

Of­fi­cers from Homi­cide South are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the mat­ter.

And po­lice are al­so prob­ing the mur­der of Den­zel Daniel, 32, of La­m­ont Street, Long­denville.

Po­lice said the in­ci­dent oc­curred around 1.30 pm yes­ter­day at a track lead­ing to Dass Trace. In­ves­ti­ga­tors said Daniel was a known of­fend­er. Res­i­dents feared there could be reprisal shoot­ings.

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