The Ministry of Health has announced two more deaths, in addition to the two announced this morning.
There are 42 news cases.
The Ministry said:
“The Ministry of Health regrets to inform the public that there are two additional COVID-19 related deaths. One is an elderly male with co-morbidities and the second is an adult female. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 19.
Forty-two (42) additional persons have tested positive for COVID -19.”
The full update from the Ministry, follows….
Port-of-Spain, August 28, 2020: As part of the national drive to safeguard the health of the Trinidad and Tobago population in the face of the global COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Health continues to provide up-to-date information on the country’s status in this regard.
The population is reminded to source your information only from official sources, such as the Ministry of Health.
As of the afternoon of Friday, 28th August, 2020 the Ministry reports the following:
Number of samples submitted to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the UWI and other local sites for testing for COVID-19 22,937
Number of samples which have tested positive at public and private facilities in Trinidad and Tobago 1,554
Total number of active cases 907
Number of deaths 19
Number of persons discharged 628
The forty-two (42) positive cases reported below show results from samples taken during the period August 20th to August 28th, 2020. Therefore, this figure is NOT representative of the positive cases over the last 24 hours only.
The Ministry of Health provides the following update:
The Ministry of Health regrets to inform the public that there are two additional COVID-19 related deaths. One is an elderly male with co-morbidities and the second is an adult female. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 19.
Forty-two (42) additional persons have tested positive for COVID -19.
All established protocols have been implemented.
Members of the public are reminded that they must adhere to the ‘New Normal’ recommendations and take the following personal health measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19:
Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when you go out in public
Keep your distance from others (6 feet)
Stay home if you are ill
Clean then sanitize surfaces (e.g. tabletops, door knobs and cell phones)
Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Cough into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow
Avoid touching your face
If you or a loved one develops symptoms of COVID-19, please call the hotline 877-WELL or 800-WELL (9355) for further guidance.
If the person is severely ill, call the 811 (emergency hotline) or call ahead to the Accident and Emergency Department of your nearest hospital for help and go in immediately.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will continue to update the public via its official communication channels such as the Ministry of Health’s website (, the Ministry of Communications Websites ( and, and the relevant social media pages of these entities (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).