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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Two women among 3 shot at wake in Arima


Anna-Lisa Paul
2 days ago

Three peo­ple were shot on Sun­day night while they were at a wake along De­mer­ara Road, Ari­ma.

Po­lice said the vic­tims in­clude a 32-year-old man, of Or­chid Dri­ve, Waller­field, who was shot in the right an­kle; a 38-year-old woman, of Pe­ters Av­enue, De­mer­ara Road, Ari­ma, who was shot in both thighs, left knee and right low­er leg; and a 20-year-old woman, of Mathu­ra Road, De­mer­ara Road, Ari­ma, who was shot in the right ab­domen and right chest.

Res­i­dents re­port­ed hear­ing gun­shots at Pe­ters Av­enue, off De­mer­ara Road, Ari­ma, around 11.50 pm.

Eye­wit­ness­es told po­lice the gun­man, who was dressed in dark cloth­ing with a ban­dan­na cov­er­ing his face, walked to the house where a wake was in progress and stopped at the en­trance, where he pulled out a gun and fired sev­er­al shots at those present be­fore get­ting in­to a wait­ing ve­hi­cle, which sped off.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors found nine 9mm shell cas­ings at the scene.

The vic­tims were tak­en to the Ari­ma Hos­pi­tal, where they were treat­ed be­fore be­ing trans­ferred to the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Sci­ences Com­plex, Mt Hope, where they re­main in sta­ble con­di­tion.

— An­na-Lisa Paul

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