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Monday, February 17, 2025

Two-dose vaccines induce lower antibodies against Omicron, study finds


1161 days ago

SOURCE: Reuters


A new study by re­searchers from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ox­ford has found that two-dose COVID-19 vac­cine reg­i­mens do not in­duce enough neu­tral­is­ing an­ti­bod­ies against the Omi­cron coro­n­avirus vari­ant.  Ac­cord­ing to the study, this may an in­di­ca­tion that in­creased in­fec­tions in those pre­vi­ous­ly in­fect­ed or vac­ci­nat­ed may be like­ly.

An ar­ti­cle from Reuters news agency re­ports on the study which is yet to be peer-re­viewed.

The Reuters ar­ti­cle notes that the Ox­ford re­search team analysed blood sam­ples from par­tic­i­pants who were giv­en dos­es from As­traZeneca-Ox­ford (AZN.L) or Pfiz­er-BioN­Tech (PFE.N), (22UAy.DE) in a large study look­ing in­to mix­ing of vac­cines.

The Ox­ford study re­vealed there was no ev­i­dence yet that the low­er lev­el of in­fec­tion-fight­ing an­ti­bod­ies against Omi­cron could lead to high­er risk of se­vere dis­ease, hos­pi­tal­i­sa­tion or death in those who have got two dos­es of ap­proved vac­cines.

"These da­ta are im­por­tant but are on­ly one part of the pic­ture. They on­ly look at neu­tral­is­ing an­ti­bod­ies af­ter the sec­ond dose, but do not tell us about cel­lu­lar im­mu­ni­ty, and this will al­so be test­ed," said Matthew Snape, Ox­ford pro­fes­sor and co-au­thor of the pa­per, in the Reuters sto­ry.

The re­sults were re­leased on Mon­day, one day af­ter British Prime Min­is­ter Boris John­son warned that two shots will not be enough to con­tain Omi­cron, fol­low­ing find­ings from the UK health agency last week that boost­ers sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­store pro­tec­tion against the vari­ant.


Orig­i­nal sto­ry pub­lished by REUTERS – Re­port­ing by Pushkala Ari­pa­ka in Ben­galu­ru; Edit­ing by Sher­ry Ja­cob-Phillips and Shailesh Ku­ber


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