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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Venezuelan man identified as Carnival Tuesday shooting victim


Shane Superville
11 days ago


Po­lice be­lieve an ar­gu­ment be­tween a man in his ear­ly six­ties and a Venezue­lan man near a St James bar led to a shoot­ing that left one per­son dead and four oth­ers wound­ed on Car­ni­val Tues­day af­ter­noon.

Of­fi­cers con­firmed that 30-year-old Venezue­lan Irvin Joaquin May­o­ra was shot and killed near a bar on the West­ern Main Road, close to Vi­dale Street.

Four oth­ers, aged 25, 29, 65, and 66, were al­so shot dur­ing the at­tack. When po­lice ar­rived, they saw the bleed­ing vic­tims scram­bling for safe­ty.

By Ash Wednes­day morn­ing, all four vic­tims re­mained in hos­pi­tal in sta­ble con­di­tion, sources said.

While in­ves­ti­ga­tors are still con­firm­ing the events lead­ing up to the shoot­ing, wit­ness­es re­port­ed that the at­tack stemmed from an ar­gu­ment be­tween May­o­ra and the gun­man. The oth­er vic­tims were by­standers.

Po­lice ar­rest­ed the sus­pect and seized the gun.

Re­gion I Homi­cide in­ves­ti­ga­tors are con­tin­u­ing their en­quiries.


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