Senior Reporter
Emergency responders from Heritage Petroleum Company Limited are working assiduously to ensure that an oil spill in south Trinidad does not enter the Gulf of Paria.
Minister of Finance Colm Imbert said so as he responded to questions from Opposition Senator Wade Mark in the Upper House yesterday.
Reading from a Ministry of Energy statement, Imbert said absorbent and containment booms were deployed at strategic locations along all of the water courses leading to the Vistabella River in an attempt to contain the oil. Additionally, vacuum tankers are being used to extract the oil contained in the booms.
“Barring unforeseen circumstances, it is expected that no more oil will be released to the environment from this location,” he said.
Asked about the impact of the oil spill on residents and the environment, Imbert said he could not say until a report is provided.
“I would expect that in the near future, a full report will be prepared with respect to the impact on the environment.
“With respect to the impact of the actual petroleum on any resident, as I just indicated, the authorities should be able to give a report in the very near future.”
The leak occurred on a 12-inch trunk pipeline in a buried section at St Andrew’s Street near South Park and Cocoyea Village, San Fernando.
Imbert said crude oil entered the box drain adjacent to South Park and made its way through the storm drain to the river at Agnes Street, Vistabella. However, he assured the public that oil had not seeped into the ocean.
“Surveillance has been conducted all the way to the mouth of the river, however, no oil was seen entering the sea,” he said
The minister said since March 16, emergency and oil spill response personnel have been onsite and will remain until repairs, clean-up, and restoration operations are completed. He added that air quality levels are safe, based on monitoring which will continue until the work is concluded.
The Environmental Management Authority and other required authorities have reportedly been notified about the incident.