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Friday, February 28, 2025

Wake up and spend more on defense, Macron tells Europe as Trump takes office


38 days ago
French President Emmanuel Macron reviews the troops during a military ceremony during a visit at the Digital Support and Cyber Command (CATNC) of the French Army as part of his New Year address to the Armed Forces, in Cesson-Sevigne, western France, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. (Stephane Mahe/Pool via AP)

French President Emmanuel Macron reviews the troops during a military ceremony during a visit at the Digital Support and Cyber Command (CATNC) of the French Army as part of his New Year address to the Armed Forces, in Cesson-Sevigne, western France, Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. (Stephane Mahe/Pool via AP)

Stephane Mahe/Pool via AP


French Pres­i­dent Em­manuel Macron called on Eu­rope Mon­day to “wake up” and spend more on de­fense, in a speech to the French mil­i­tary as Don­ald Trump re­turns to pow­er.

Macron re­ferred to ex­pect­ed changes in Wash­ing­ton’s for­eign poli­cies es­pe­cial­ly re­gard­ing the war in Ukraine and said this is an “op­por­tu­ni­ty for a Eu­ro­pean strate­gic wake-up call.”

“What will we do in Eu­rope to­mor­row if our Amer­i­can al­ly with­draws its war­ships from the Mediter­ranean? If they send their fight­er jets from the At­lantic to the Pa­cif­ic?” he asked.

Trump has crit­i­cized the cost of the war in Ukraine for U.S. tax­pay­ers through ma­jor mil­i­tary aid pack­ages and vowed to bring the con­flict to a swift end.

He al­so has made it clear that he wants to shift more of the bur­den of Ukraine on­to Eu­rope. —CES­SON-SE­VI­GNE, France (AP)

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