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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Alexander sets new discus mark



An­nie Alexan­der was T&T's most im­pres­sive per­former at the NCAA re­gion­al pre­lim­i­nar­ies as she smashed the women's na­tion­al dis­cus mark with a throw of 58.58m on Sat­ur­day night. The two-time World Ju­nior fi­nal­ist got her win­ning throw in the third round to im­prove on the pre­vi­ous na­tion­al mark of 57.68m she set in the Ken­tucky, US in 2008. Mc Neese State's Ash­lee Smith (48.69) was 19th. Se­moy Hack­ett clocked 23.22 to win the women's 200m semi­fi­nals, ahead of Kai Selvon (Auburn) 23.44. Hack­ett was al­so part of LSU team which was clocked the best time of the day of 43.60 in the sprint re­lay. Flori­da State, with Brit­ney St Louis in the line-up, was fourth in 44.25. T'Keyah Du­moy and her Flori­da In­ter­na­tion­al team­mates were 21st in 46.42 and did not qual­i­fy. Selvon's Auburn out­fit did not fin­ish.

How­ev­er, Auburn re­turned to come out of top in the women's 4x400m heats clock­ing 3:31:50. In the men's 4x400m, LSU with Ade Al­leyne Forte was quick­est run­ning 3:03: 95 ahead of Jovon Top­pin's Flori­da in fourth (3:04:27). Adon­nis Cam­bell bowed out in the semi­fi­nal round of the men's 110m hur­dles fin­ish­ing 16th in 14.25 as on­ly the top 12 ad­vanced. In the East­ern Re­gion­al at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ore­gon, Zwede He­witt helped Bay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty ad­vance in the men's 4x100 and 4x400m re­lays. In the sprint re­lay pre­lims, Bay­lor was third in 39.61 fin­ish­ing sec­ond in heat two while in the first round of the mile re­lay Bay­lor was fourth quick­est clock­ing 3:06:68 to win the first race. Deb­o­rah John was elim­i­nat­ed at the semi­fi­nal stage of the women's 100m hur­dles. The North Dako­ta State stu­dent fin­ished 19th in 13.70 as on­ly the top 12 ad­vanced. Fel­low hur­dler Dur­rel Bus­by (Wis­con­sin-Mil­wau­kee) was al­so 19th in the men's 110m hur­dles clock­ing 14.17 sec­onds.

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