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Monday, March 24, 2025

Red Bull event attracts 20,000



Over 20,000 spec­ta­tors con­verged on William's Bay, Ch­aguara­mas for the first Red Bull Flug­tag held in the Caribbean and wit­nessed team Obi Want­ed Red Bull claim vic­to­ry with their hi­lar­i­ous com­bi­na­tion of show­man­ship, cre­ativ­i­ty and flight dis­tance. "The day was ex­cel­lent; the weath­er, the peo­ple and the whole vibe of the com­pe­ti­tion was great" said the ex­cit­ed pi­lot, Ryun Singh, "We are so ready for Pana­ma. The force was with us!"Talk show host Ian Al­leyne, for­mer Miss Uni­verse Wendy Fitzwilliam, Bun­ji Gar­lin and his wife Faye Ann Lyons-Al­varez were among the lo­cal celebri­ty judges that got an up close view of the home-made fly­ing ma­chines that jet­ted off the 22 foot ramp.

"It was in­cred­i­ble to see the cre­ativ­i­ty of the par­tic­i­pants as well as the mas­sive spec­ta­tor turnout for this com­pe­ti­tion. Al­though we didn't break the world record, it was a day of good clean fun," shared La­toya Woods, one of the judges and for­mer Miss T&T Uni­verse.RED 96.7FM ra­dio talk show hosts JW and Blaze kept the over­flow­ing crowd roar­ing with laugh­ter. Dozens of boats, kayaks and yachts, crowd­ed the bay and en­joyed the best view of the event. A col­lec­tive breath was held when the win­ner's craft flew off the ramp for an out­stand­ing 52 feet, the longest flight of the day.

Spec­ta­tors got an ear­ly start to se­cure the best views, flock­ing to the beach since 5 am, while 30,000 viewed the live stream­ing from the com­fort of their home at Ac­cord­ing to the Of­fice of Dis­as­ter Pre­pared­ness Man­age­ment (ODPM), over one third of the is­land's pop­u­la­tion mo­bilised to the west end of Trinidad to wit­ness first­hand "fly­ing hors­es", "a box full of pig­gies" and even a "fly­ing bar­ra" leap in­to Ch­aguara­mas wa­ters.Red Bull Flug­tag has cir­cled the world since 1991, and now Trinidad joins the long list of coun­tries such as Ire­land, Hong Kong and Aus­tralia that have wit­nessed the hi­lar­i­ous hu­man-pow­ered flights.

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