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Friday, February 28, 2025

78 athletes for Pan Games T&T Chef de Mission: All set



Trinidad and To­ba­go Pan Amer­i­can Games team Chef de Mis­sion Dr Ian Hy­po­lite is re­port­ing that all is set for the ar­rival of the lo­cal del­e­ga­tion for the 16th edi­tion of the hemi­spher­i­cal meet set to get un­der­way in Guadala­jara, Mex­i­co from Fri­day. Dr Hy­po­lite left for the Mex­i­can City on Wednes­day and has re­port­ed that: "there were no is­sues or prob­lems with the reg­is­tra­tion of the 78 ath­letes, med­ical team and oth­er team of­fi­cials which com­prise the T&T con­tin­gent of 125 per­sons."The first batch of ath­letes and team of­fi­cials are ex­pect­ed to leave for Guadala­jara this week­end.



Ath­let­ics (13): Ayan­na Alexan­der, Cleopa­tra Borel, Melis­sa De Leon, Pi­lar Mc Shine, Dar­ryl Brown, Em­manuel Cal­len­der, Joel Dil­lon, Ja­maal James, Jamol James, Mori­ba Morain, Em­manuel May­ers, Quin­cy Wil­son. Of­fi­cials- George Com­mis­siong(Man­ag­er), Heath­cliffe Thorne (Jumps coach), Ish­mael Lopez Mas­tra­pa (Throws coach), Gun­ness Per­sad (Sprints/Re­lay coach).

Beach Vol­ley­ball (2): El­ki Phillip, Ayana Dyette. Of­fi­cial-Col­in Charles (Man­ag­er/coach).

Box­ing (1): An­drew Fer­min. Off­i­cal-Reynold Cox (Man­ag­er/coach).

Ca­noe/Kayak (1): Satyam Ma­haraj. Of­fi­cial-Mer­ryl See Tai (Man­ag­er/coach).

Cy­cling (2): Emile Abra­ham, Njsane Phillips. Of­fi­cials-Desmond Dick­ie (Man­ag­er/coach), Roger Smart(Me­chan­ic).

Foot­ball (19): Kimi­ka Forbes, Shalette Alexan­der, Karyn Forbes, Tiana Bateau, Arin King, Danielle Blair, Maylee At­tin-John­son, Anas­ta­sia Prescott, Vic­to­ria Swift, Can­dice Ed­wards, Kenya Cord­ner, Lau­ryn Hutchin­son, Rhea Bel­grave,Tasha St. Louis, Na­dia James, Ah­keela Mal­loon, Der­nelle Mas­call. Of­fi­cials-Richard Hood (Head coach), Chris Bai­ley (As­sis­tant coach), Ver­net­ta Flan­ders (Man­ag­er), Glen­non Fon­cette (Goal­keep­er coach), Claire George (Equip­ment Man­ag­er).

Gym­nas­tics (2): The­ma Williams, William Al­bert. Of­fi­cials-Clifton Mc Dow­ell (Fe­male coach), Spencer Sla­ton (Male coach).

Women Hock­ey (16): Petal Der­ry, Fiona O'Brien, Michelle Leo­taud, Alan­na Lewis, Stephanie White­man, Curlyne Wynn, Lind­say Williams, Kristin Thomp­son, Avion Ash­ton, Blair Wynne, Ali­cia Wait­he, Brit­tney Hingh, Char­lene Williams, Tama­ra De No­bri­ga, Arielle DuQuen­snay. Of­fi­cials-Cindy Mar­tin Faustin (Man­ag­er), An­tho­ny Mar­cano (Head coach), Na­tal­ie Nieves (As­sis­tant coach), Su­san Gomes (As­sis­tant coach).

Men's Hock­ey (16): Kar­los Stephen, Justin Pas­cal, Dar­ren Cowie, Kwand­wane Browne, Aidan De Gannes, Mick­ell Pierre, Dwain Quan Chan, Akim Tou­s­sa­iant, At­i­ba Whit­ting­ton, Christo­pher Sci­pio, Alan Hen­der­son, An­drew Vieira, Shaquille Daniel, Nicholas Grant, Solomon Ec­cles, Evan Piers Far­rell. Of­fi­cials-Garth Bap­tiste (Man­ag­er), Bas Bru­in (Head coach), Bruce Tang Nian (As­sis­tant coach), Glen Fran­cis (As­sis­tant coach).

Karate (1): Kwame Kin­sale. Of­fi­cial- An­tho­ny Pe­ters.

Sail­ing (1): An­drew Lewis. Of­fi­cial-Stephen Bushe (Man­ag­er), Fer­nan­do Ar­bu­lu (coach).

Shoot­ing (2): Roger Daniel, Ro­bet John Auer­bach.

Of­fi­cials-Robert George Auer­bach, Lancelot Ward.

Ta­ble Ten­nis (2): Dex­ter St. Louis, Rheann Chung.

Of­fi­cial-Reeza Burke (Man­ag­er).

Taek­won­do (1): Lenn Hy­po­lite. Of­fi­cial-Sung Chul Whang (Coach).

Med­ical- Dr. Ter­ry Ali, Dr. Vishai Sookai, Dr. Is­rael Dowlat, Dr. Zynul Khan, Dr. Oba Gul­ston Karielle De Bique, June Durham, Can­dice Thomas, Ian Sharpe, Fitzbert Al­leyne, David Cum­ber­batch, Shawn Mar­shall, Dex­ter Thomas,

Chef de Mis­sion-Dr Ian Hy­po­lite

As­sis­tant Chef de Mis­sion-Wen­dell Labastide

Ad­min­is­tra­tion-Gwen­dolyn Tou­s­saint

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