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Friday, March 28, 2025

Caledonia mauls Petit Valley 8-0 in FA



Na­tion­al Un­der-23 strik­er Trevin Cae­sar scored a sec­ond-half hat-trick as an un­der-strength Neal & Massy Cale­do­nia AIA be­gan de­fence of its T&T Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion FA Tro­phy with a re­sound­ing 8-0 maul­ing of North­ern Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion out­fit Pe­tit Val­ley Unit­ed at Diego Mar­tin North Sec­ondary Ground, yes­ter­day.

With five reg­u­lar first team­ers in cap­tain Den­sil Theobald, Aubrey David, Ataulla Guer­ra, Ja­mal Gay and Key­on Ed­wards all away on du­ties with the T&T So­ca War­riors at the Caribbean Foot­ball Union Cup fi­nals in St John's, An­tigua, Cale­do­nia was ex­pect­ed to face a tough test, how­ev­er, af­ter Shel­don Hold­er's eighth-minute open­er there was no stop­ping the "Mor­vant/ Laven­tille Stal­lions."

Odelle Arm­strong made it 2-0 six min­utes lat­er, while Tray­on Bobb got the third in the 12th minute be­fore he added an­oth­er in the 38th for a 4-0 half-time lead. On the re­sump­tion, Cae­sar added his name to the score­sheet with two quick strikes in the 48th and 51st while Arm­strong com­plet­ed his dou­ble a minute lat­er, be­fore Cae­sar fired in his third in the 75th to com­plete a drub­bing against Pe­tit Val­ley which had for­mer na­tion­al mid­field­er Ter­ry "Jug Head" St Louis in its line-up.

The last-16 will be played on Wednes­day be­fore the tour­na­ment takes a Christ­mas break, re­sum­ing on Wednes­day Jan­u­ary 9 with the quar­ter­fi­nal round. NS

Yes­ter­day's Re­sults

T&TEC FC 3 (Keeron Ben­i­to 25th, 41st, Bevon Bass 59th) vs Ed­in­burgh 500 0

En­ter­prise Youths 1 (Tavre­an Sobers 23rd) vs Scar­bor­ough Sec 0

Cunu­pia FC 3 (Akel James 37th, 48th, 75th) vs Hills Utd 1 (Eu­stace Stew­art 31st)

Cale­do­nia 8 (Trevin Cae­sar 48th, 51st, 75th, Odelle Arm­strong 8th, 52nd, Tray­on Bobb 12th, 38th, Shel­don Hold­er 2nd) vs Pe­tit Val­ley Utd 0

FC San­ta Rosa 2 (Eon Al­leyne 42nd, An­drew Du­rant 60th) vs St An­tho­ny's Col­lege 0

Shi­va Boys 3 (Kyle Fe­lix, Kiel Re­beiro, Levi Gar­cia) vs Ea­gles Utd 3 (Kiedel Glas­gow 3) - Shi­va Boys won 7-6 on sud­den-death penal­ties.

Pt Fortin CC 3 (Mar­cus Josph 2, Steven Joseph) vs Guaya Utd 2 (Ryan Stew­art pen, Kevin Jagdeosingh)

De­fence Force 8 (Michael Ed­wards 59th, 83rd, 90th, Josi­mar Bel­grave 20th, 26th, Jer­wyn Balt­haz­ar 61st, Jemel Se­bro 67th, Ker­ry Joseph 88th) vs QPCC 0

Mathu­ra 3 vs Va­len­cia Li­ons 3-Mathu­ra won 4-2 on penal­ty-kicks

OJ Sol­da­do All Stars 4 (Amarie Et­ti­enne 8th, 20th, 78th, Sher­lan Grif­fith 89th) vs La Hor­quet­ta SA 3 (Kern Robin­son 18th, Wes­ley El­cock 34th, Keron Clarkes 60th)


Joe Pub­lic (EFA) vs Youth Stars, Mar­vin Lee Sta­di­um, Ma­coya, 3.30 pm

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