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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Swansea ready to dive in for Kenwyne Jones



Bar­clays Pre­mier­ship club Swansea City coached by Den­mark-leg­en Bri­an Lau­drup is un­der­stood to be prepar­ing an of­fer for Stoke tar­get man, T&T's Ken­wyne Jones.Stoke chair­man Pe­ter Coates says his club are un­der no fi­nan­cial pres­sure to sell play­ers dur­ing the trans­fer win­dow.

How­ev­er, a bid from Swansea could test Stoke's de­ter­mi­na­tion to keep the strik­er who is com­pet­ing with Pe­ter Crouch for a place in Tony Pulis's side.Jones has start­ed Stoke's last sev­en Pre­mier League games hav­ing tak­en his chance when Crouch was in­jured.

As­ton Vil­la and QPR have al­so been linked with Jones, who cost �8m from Sun­der­land in 2010 and is un­der con­tract un­til the sum­mer of 2014.The Pot­ters are un­der­stood to be re­fus­ing to loan out the 28-year-old, leav­ing Swansea con­sid­er­ing an of­fer to buy him in­stead, mean­ing they will have to break their trans­fer fee record if they are to sign the T&T strik­er.

Sources in Stoke have in­di­cat­ed the Pot­ters are look­ing to re­coup as much as pos­si­ble of the �8 mil­lion they paid Sun­der­land for Jones in 2010.Swansea's cur­rent high­est fee is the �5.55m they paid Va­len­cia for Pablo Her­nan­dez in Au­gust, and they are thought to have iden­ti­fied Jones as a prime trans­fer win­dow tar­get.

The Swans have not yet made a bid for the pow­er­ful­ly built Jones, and it is un­der­stood Stoke will on­ly be will­ing to en­ter­tain of­fers in­volv­ing cash up front.Jones has 18 months left on his cur­rent con­tract and has re­cent­ly forced him­self back in­to Stoke's first team, scor­ing three goals in his last five Pre­mier League ap­pear­ances.

But pri­or to this fine run of form, the 28-year-old was over­looked in favour of Crouch, whose �10m move from Tot­ten­ham eclipsed the then club record fee Stoke had paid for Jones two and a half years ago.Pulis says he is ea­ger to add to his squad this month, but he will on­ly be able to do so if he sells play­ers first.

Sun­der­land al­so wants to sign Swansea strik­er Dan­ny Gra­ham and Jones is be­lieved to be the Swans' pre­ferred choice as a re­place­ment.Coates was un­will­ing to com­ment on in­di­vid­ual play­ers, but said City would on­ly con­sid­er sales if the deals strength­ened the club in the long term.

He added: "If we did make changes then we would try to make them on the ba­sis that they im­prove what we have got. We are not un­der any pres­sure to sell."The chair­man is not an­tic­i­pat­ing a busy Jan­u­ary. He said: "You nev­er know what might turn up, but I wouldn't ex­pect us to be over ac­tive."There is noth­ing im­mi­nent. We are very pleased with the busi­ness we did in the sum­mer and things will on­ly hap­pen if we think they are right for us."

Stoke may have clinched their most im­por­tant deal of the sea­son last week when cap­tain Ryan Shaw­cross signed a new five-and-a-half year con­tract.Coates added: "Ryan is an im­por­tant play­er for us. It was a long, drawn-out process, but we got there in the end."He and Robert Huth are very much a cen­tral part of the team. Peo­ple say you build from the back, and we have a very good cen­tre-back pair­ing and goal­keep­er."

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