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Friday, March 28, 2025

Phillip, Guerra reign at Easter Grand Prix



Grab­bing the spot­light once again, T&T Olympian Njisane Phillip was named the most out­stand­ing in­ter­na­tion­al men's cy­clist at the East­er In­ter­na­tion­al Cy­cling Grand Prix, on the clos­ing day of com­pe­ti­tion, Sun­day, at Skin­ner Park, San Fer­nan­do.

A day af­ter cap­tur­ing the match sprint ti­tle for the sec­ond straight year, Phillip took top ho­n­ours ahead of re­gion­al ri­vals Mar­loe Rod­man of Ja­maica and Bar­ba­dos' Jamol East­mond, who end­ed with a sec­ond and third placed fin­ish­ing tal­ly, re­spec­tive­ly. Phillip took three wins on the evening, the In­ter­na­tion­al Men's four-lap, sev­en laps and eight laps, leav­ing Rod­man in sec­ond for the first two races, be­fore tak­ing a third-placed fin­ish in the In­ter­na­tion­al 40-Lap event, which was cap­tured by Ar­gen­tine Dario Pagliar­ic­ci.

The third-place end in the con­clud­ing com­pet­i­tive race saw him fin­ish on 35 points, while Rod­man and East­mond, end­ed on 30 and 26 points, re­spec­tive­ly. On the fi­nal day Kwe­si Browne and Varun Ma­haraj, al­so did T&T proud with two strong run­ner-up fin­ish­es in the In­ter­na­tion­al eight laps and the In­ter­na­tion­al Elim­i­na­tion events, re­spec­tive­ly.

Among the women, Cu­ba's Lisan­dra Guer­ra was ex­pect­ed to fare well at the three-day com­pe­ti­tion, but she ex­ceed­ed all ex­pec­ta­tions when, in the end, the mul­ti­ple Pan Amer­i­can medal­list won all but two of her races over the course of the week­end.

The gap be­tween Guer­ra and sec­ond placed fin­ish­er Amer­i­can Shel­by Reynolds, epit­o­mised her prowess in re­gion­al com­pe­ti­tion. Guer­ra, amassed a mon­u­men­tal to­tal of 65 points, with Reynolds near­est on 34 points. Guer­ra was named the Most Out­stand­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Women's cy­clist.

Guer­ra proved not on­ly fear­less, but al­so a hand­ful amongst her male col­leagues, when she blis­tered to a win­ning end in the in­ter­na­tion­al BMX event, a non-com­pet­i­tive event for 15 vol­un­teers (men and women) of the in­ter­na­tion­al class. In the one-lap race, Guer­ra took a clear win as she left Rod­man and T&T's Az­iza Browne for sec­ond and third, re­spec­tive­ly.

With the East­er Grand Prix con­clud­ed, the T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion's fo­cus will be on the Petrotrin In­ter­na­tion­al Cri­teri­um, which ped­als off to­mor­row (Wednes­day), on the Rien­zi Kir­ton High­way, San Fer­nan­do, from 7 pm.

Twen­ty (20) cat­e­gories of races will be held from In­ter­na­tion­al and In­vi­ta­tion­al-one lap to the Mas­ters 60+. The start and fin­ish line is op­po­site the Na­tion­al Acad­e­my for the Per­form­ing Arts (NA­PA) South Cam­pus. There are cash prize in­cen­tives in all cat­e­gories.


In­ter­na­tion­al Two laps

1st Jamol East­mond (Bar)

2nd Haseem Mc Lean (Team DPS)

3rd Kwe­si Browne (T&T)

In­ter­na­tion­al Men Four laps

1st Njisane Phillip (T&T)

2nd Mar­loe Rod­man (Jam)

3rd Al­ber­to Napoles (Cub)

In­ter­na­tion­al Men Sev­en laps

1st Njisane Phillip (T&T)

2nd Mar­loe Rod­man (Jam)

3rd Jamol East­mond (Bar)

In­ter­na­tion­al Men Eight laps

1st Njisane Phillip (T&T)

2nd Kwe­si Browne (T&T)

3rd Mar­loe Rod­man (Jam)

In­ter­na­tion­al and In­vi­ta­tion­al 40 laps

1st Dario Pagliar­ic­ci (Arg)

2nd Phillip Clarke (Bar)

3rd Njisane Phillip (T&T)

In­ter­na­tion­al Elim­i­na­tion

1st Mar­loe Rod­man (Jam)

2nd Varun Ma­haraj (T&T)

3rd Dario Pagliar­ic­ci (Arg)

Ju­nior, Elite and In­ter­na­tion­al Ladies Two Laps

1st Lisan­dra Guer­ra Ro­driguez (Cub)

2nd Az­iza Browne (T&T)

3rd Shel­by Reynolds (USA)

Ju­ve­nile Ladies Four laps

1st Do­minique Lovell (AW­CC)

2nd Kol­lyn St George (Madon­na)

Elite-1 Elim­i­na­tion

1st Thireef Smart (Petrotrin)

2nd Marc Co­dring­ton (Slip­stream)

3rd Will Derg­er (Son­ics)

Elite-2 Elim­i­na­tion

1st Jude Co­dring­ton (Petrotrin)

2nd Keron Bram­ble (Son­ics)

3rd Michael Phillips (Mikes Bikes)

Elite-3 Four laps

1st Cowin Thomas (Son­ics)

2nd Neil Re­ece (Guyana)

3rd Jonathan Hard­ing (Madon­na)

Elite-4 Four laps

1st Robindranath Bal­go­b­in (Hum­ming­bird)

2nd An­drew Dop­son (Hum­ming­bird)

3rd Robin Diptee (Hum­ming­bird)

Ju­nior, Elite and In­ter­na­tion­al Ladies Un­known

1st Lisan­dra Guer­ra Ro­driguez (Cub)

2nd Shel­by Reynolds (USA)

3rd Dahlia Palmer (Jam)

Mas­ters 40-49 Four laps

1st Rocky Ho­sein (Hum­ming­bird)

2nd Ce­cil Hack­ett (Bike Smith)

3rd Roger Smart (Madon­na)

Ju­niors 3-lap win-and-out

1st Ur­ba Bourne (Southamp­ton)

2nd Joshua Kel­ly (Son­ics)

3rd Olu­dare Mar­cel (Madon­na)

Ju­ve­niles Three-lap win-and-out

1st David Orr (Bike Smith)

2nd Ra­mon Bel­montes (Petrotrin)

3rd Aaden Red­head (Bike Smith)

Ju­nior, Elite and In­ter­na­tion­al Ladies Four laps

1st Lisan­dra Guer­ra Ro­driguez (Cub)

2nd Shel­by Reynolds (USA)

3rd Keiana Lester (T&T)

Elite and In­ter­na­tion­al Ladies Two-lap

1st Shel­by Reynolds (USA)

2nd Lisan­dra Guer­ra (Cub)

3rd Adreina Riv­iera Del Risco (Col)

Ju­nior Ladies Two laps

1st Joy Abi­gail John (AW­CC)

2nd Cheyenne Awai (AW­CC)

Elite-1 Two laps

1st Thireef Smart (Petrotrin)

2nd Marc Co­dring­ton (Slip­stream)

3rd War­ren Mc Kay (Team Trek)

Elite-2 Two laps

1st Keron Bram­ble (Son­ics)

2nd Jude Co­dring­ton (Petrotrin)

3rd Kevin Tin­to (Bike Smith)

Elite-3 Elim­i­na­tion

1st Nicholas Lopez (Madon­na)

2nd Roger Mal­co (Team Foun­da­tion)

3rd Samuel Al­leyne (Son­ics)

Elite-4 One lap

1st Robindranath Bal­go­b­in (Hum­ming­bird)

2nd An­drew Dop­son (Hum­ming­bird)

3rd Kegan Braith­waite (Son­ics)

Ju­ve­niles Two laps

1st Kristoff Fron­tin (Son­ics)

2nd David Orr (Bike Smith)

3rd Ra­mon Bel­montes (Petrotrin)

Ju­niors Elim­i­na­tion

1st Ed­win Suther­land (Bar)

2nd Joshua Kel­ly Son­ics (Bar)

3rd Olu­dare Mar­celle (Madon­na)

Ju­ve­nile Ladies Elim­i­na­tion

1st Kol­lyne St George (Madon­na)

2nd Do­minique Lovell (AW­CC)

Elite 1, 2, 3, Ju­niors and Ju­ve­niles 15 Laps

1st War­ren Mc Kay (Team Trek)

2nd Keron Bram­ble (Son­ics)

3rd Michael Phillips (Mikes Bikes)

Mas­ters 60+ Four Laps

1st Pat Nel­son (Team Trek)

2nd Kent Luces (Son­ics)

3rd Earl Hen­ry (Un­at­tached)

Mas­ters 40-49 Four-lap win-and-out

1st Rocky Ho­sein Hum­ming­bird

2nd Roger Smart Madon­na

3rd Ce­cil Hack­ett Bike Smith

Mas­ters 50-59 Two laps

1st Clyde Pol­lon­ais South­claine

2nd Der­rick Davis Un­at­tached

3rd Wayne Samuel South­claine

Elite and In­ter­na­tion­al Ladies Sev­en Laps

1st Lisan­dra Guer­ra Ro­driguez (Cub)

2nd Adreina Riv­iera Del Risco (Col)

3rd Shel­by Reynolds (USA)

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