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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Busy schedule ahead for Walcott



Olympic cham­pi­on Keshorn Wal­cott will open his sea­son at the in­au­gur­al TnT Elite Twigh­light Meet at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um on May 3.

Wal­cott will be com­pet­ing in his first meet since his his­toric gold medal per­for­mance at the 2012 Olympic Games in Lon­don, last Au­gust where he struck gold in the men's javelin with a na­tion­al record of 84.58m.

Wal­cott, who cel­e­brat­ed his 20th birth­day on April 2, be­came T&T's sec­ond Olympic cham­pi­on and al­so the youngest ever win­ner of the javelin event at the Olympic Games. He is cur­rent­ly on a six-week train­ing camp in Cu­ba along with na­tion­al record hold­ers Cleopa­tra Borel (women's shot put), Quin­cy Wil­son (men's dis­cus) and Hezekeil Romero (boy's shot shot put).

The Olympic star's Cuban-born coach Ish­mael Lopez-Mas­trapha is al­so in Cu­ba. The meet is be­ing host­ed by Wal­cott's man­age­ment com­pa­ny TnT Elite Sports. Wal­cott's man­ag­er is for­mer na­tion­al high jumper Sean Roach.

Wal­cott is next ex­pect­ed to com­pete in the first leg of the Sam­sung Di­a­mond League in Do­ha, Qatar on May 10 and then in the sec­ond leg in Shang­hai, Chi­na, on May 18.

Wal­cott is ex­pect­ed to have a busy sea­son as he is due to line up in four oth­er Di­a­mond League com­pe­ti­tions: Exxom Mo­bil Bislet (Oslo-Nor­way June 13), Lau­sanne (Switzer­land-Ju­ly 4), Her­culis (Mona­co-June 19) and Bel­ga­com Memo­r­i­al Van Damme (Bus­sels, Bel­guim-Sep­tem­ber 6). He is al­so sched­uled to throw at the Na­tion­al Cham­pi­onships at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um on June 22-23 and in Os­tra­va, Czech Re­pub­lic on June 27. He will al­so be look­ing to com­pete in his first World Out­door Cham­pi­onships in Moscow, Rus­sia, from Au­gust 10-18.


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