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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Concacaf boss says TTFF will get support



Con­ca­caf di­rec­tor of de­vel­op­ment Hugo Sal­cedo be­lieves that the re­cent de­vel­op­ments and the tim­ing could be right for the Trinidad and To­ba­go Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion to en­ter a new path­way where it can em­brace change and work to­wards good gov­er­nance.

Sal­cedo was speak­ing at the con­clu­sion of the 28th Con­ca­caf Con­gress at the West­in Playa Ho­tel in Pana­ma on the week­end.

He spoke on var­i­ous is­sues, ex­plain­ing that the TTFF could now work to­wards re­cov­er­ing from some of the mat­ters that has plagued its growth for maybe a decade and more. He said it was im­por­tant that all TTFF mem­bers and stake­hold­ers work col­lec­tive­ly to­wards a com­mon vi­sion.

"Ba­si­cal­ly the im­pact (find­ings of the Con­ca­caf In­tegri­ty Com­mit­tee) is very strong and very sad for all of us. But we all said it here that we have to put it aside and con­cen­trate more on the fu­ture. I think that pres­i­dent Jeff Webb, our gen­er­al sec­re­tary En­rique Sanz and all of us are com­mit­ted to the game and that's the most im­por­tant thing," Sal­cedo told TTFF Me­dia.

"We have al­ready start­ed the de­vel­op­ment pro­grams and we are look­ing for­ward to it...I per­son­al­ly have been in­volved for so many years, and I'm so hap­py that we have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to restart the new move­ment of this new era of Con­ca­caf."

Sal­cedo added that he was sad­dened by the rev­e­la­tions made by the Con­ca­caf In­tegri­ty Com­mit­tee on mat­ters in­volv­ing for­mer Con­ca­caf boss­es and that he had nev­er heard of some­thing so dis­loy­al.

"No, sad­ly no. I don't want to com­pare it with any­thing of the past. We hope that this will be the end. The on­ly thing we can get out of it is for it to nev­er hap­pen again."

He went on to add that the TTFF un­der pres­i­dent Ray­mond Tim Kee would have the sup­port of the con­fed­er­a­tion in mov­ing for­ward, re­fer­ring to the se­nior team's qual­i­fi­ca­tion for the 2013 Con­ca­caf Gold Cup and the im­pres­sive show­ing of the Un­der-17 Men's team at the Con­ca­caf World Cup qual­i­fiers as promis­ing signs.

"Ab­solute­ly. The sup­port will be there for you. Again, the com­mit­ment is from all of us and not on­ly from us in Con­ca­caf but if you saw to­day we have mem­bers of UE­FA and FI­FA and now this move­ment with Africa. There is tremen­dous sup­port. We will not on­ly like to give sup­port to Trinidad and To­ba­go but al­so all of our forty mem­bers as­so­ci­a­tions and they will not walk alone. We are go­ing to be work­ing to­geth­er hand in hand," added Sal­cedo who has over thir­ty years ex­pe­ri­ence in ex­ec­u­tive po­si­tions with FI­FA, Con­ca­caf, US Soc­cer and Ma­jor League Soc­cer.

The for­mer FI­FA De­vel­op­ment Of­fi­cer al­so touched on the news that the sev­en-year on­go­ing saga be­tween the TTFF and the thir­teen 2006 World Cup play­ers is near­ing clo­sure.

"I hope that it will help the TTFF now. We hope that it can be re­solved so not on­ly your play­ers that are in­volved in this sit­u­a­tion but al­so your young play­ers be­lieve that they can be com­mit­ted and in re­turn they will get what they de­serve and per­haps this is a les­son that will be learned," added the 67-year-old Mex­i­can-born di­rec­tor who al­so played for the US team at the 1972 Olympics.


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