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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tobago athletes shine at NAAA festival



Tyriq Hors­ford, Kene­jah Williams and Akeem Stew­art led the way for To­ba­go at the an­nu­al NAAA Hur­dles and Field Events Fes­ti­val which took place at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo on Sat­ur­day. Hors­ford (Zenith) was a triple win­ner while Williams (To­ba­go Fal­cons) se­cured dou­ble gold with club-mate Stew­art tak­ing the men's shot put.

Hors­ford had a busy day, win­ning the boys un­der 15 shot put (14.54m), high jump (1.60m) and javelin (54.69m). The quadru­ple win­ner at the Na­tion­al Sec­ondary Schools Cham­pi­onships in March set a per­son­al best in the javelin and shot put and was al­so third int he 100m hur­dles (17.20 sec). Hors­ford con­tin­ues to show his all round tal­ent af­ter win­ning the CAC Age Group un­der 15 Hep­tathlon events ear­li­er this month and the Fal­con Games ti­tle in March.

Williams copped the un­der-18 shot put and dis­cus crowns to add to the un­der-17 ti­tles he won last year.

He won the shot put in a World Youth qual­i­fy­ing dis­tance of 17.79m in the third round of the com­pe­ti­tion to get over the 17.70m stan­dard for the IAAF World Youth Cham­pi­onships in Donet­sk, Ukraine Ju­ly 10 to 14.

Williams al­so im­proved his pb of 17.64m set at the Fal­cons Games at the same venue on March 23. The Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary fifth for­mer al­so cap­tured the dis­cus (49.18m). Stew­art re­tained the men's shot put crown with a new per­son­al best of 18.33 to sur­pass the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (CAC) Se­nior Cham­pi­onships stan­dard of 17.00m in his sec­ond straight meet. The 2011 dou­ble Carif­ta medal­list bet­tered the 17.77m set at the Pres­i­dent Clas­sic on April 6.

The CAC Se­nior Champs are card­ed for Mex­i­co City, Mex­i­co from Ju­ly 12 to 14.

Hors­ford's Zenith club mate Anya Ak­ili was among sev­er­al dou­ble win­ners. Ak­ili took the G U15 100m hur­dles (17.11 sec) and high jump (1.45)m and was third in the long jump (4.56m).

The To­co TAFAC trio of Por­tious War­ren, Ayana Glas­gow and Cherisse Mur­ray along with Joel An­drews (D'Abadie Pro­gres­sive) al­so won two ti­tles.

War­ren came out vic­to­ri­ous in the G U18 shot put and javelin throws. In the shot, the 2012 Carif­ta bronze medal­list topped the field with a sec­ond round throw of 14.88m to im­prove her per­son­al best and al­so go over the World Youth stan­dard of 13.50m. The St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary stu­dent al­so had an ef­fort of 14.80m in the last round to leave two Carif­ta cham­pi­on Chelsea James (To­ba­go Fal­cons in sec­ond) with 13.80. War­ren had ear­li­er land­ed the javelin gold (30.01m). Sha­ian Charles (D'Abadie) took the dis­cus (35.33). The 2012/2013 Carif­ta bronze medal­list rel­e­gat­ed James to sec­ond yet again (35.03). Mur­ray sim­i­lar­ly took the women's shot put and javelin with throws of 11.20m and 36.26m re­spec­tive­ly and was third in the dis­cus (35.77) be­hind this year's Carif­ta G U20 bronze medal­list Shaunna Downey (38.89) and sis­ter Sharisse Downey (38.25), both of Burn­ley. Glas­gow sailed the vic­to­ry in the G U18 high jump (1.60m) and 100m hur­dles (16.20 sec). The To­co Sec­ondary ath­lete was de­nied a third gold in the long jump tak­ing the run­ner-up spot (5.23m) as Aeisha Culthrust (Neon Track­ers) fin­ished nar­row­ly ahead al­so with 5.23m but got the nod be­cause of her su­pe­ri­or sec­ond best jump (5.04 to 4.88).

An­drews (D'Abadie Pro­gres­sive) leapt to vic­to­ry in the B U13 long jump (4.56m) and Crick­et ball throw (45.75m). On each oc­ca­sion he de­feat­ed team­mate Avin­dale Smith (4.39/43.51) and was go­ing for gold num­ber three in the high jump but Smith pre­vailed clear­ing 1.50 to An­drews' 1.35.

The To­ba­go ath­letes stamped their au­thor­i­ty at the meet by tak­ing the top three spots in the B U15 high jump, men's high jump and javelin and B U18shot put. In ad­di­tion they se­cured the top two places in the women's 100m hur­dles, B U15 javelin and shot put, G U13 high jump and long jump.

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