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Sunday, March 16, 2025

La Roche wins at Penn Relays



Kier­sten LaRoche (Tem­ple) jumped to gold at the 119th an­nu­al Penn Re­lays in Philadel­phia, USA on the week­end. La Roche topped the field in the Col­lege East­ern Long Jump event with a dis­tance of 5.96m.

The mul­ti-event ath­lete was one of two lo­cal ath­letes who were vic­to­ri­ous at the Re­lays. Wayne Davis 11 took the Col­lege Men's 110m hur­dles with a dis­tance of 13.67. Queen's Roy­al and St Fran­cois Girls Col­leges fin­ished in the top three in their events. QRC was run­ner up in the their sec­tion of the Boys High School 4x400m. The quar­tet of Asa Gue­vara, Far­in­ha twins Nathan and Jonathan and Jamol Pierre com­bined to clock 3:13.72 to fin­ished be­hind Mon­roe Col­lege of Ja­maica (3:10.01). In the Cham­pi­onships race, QRC missed out on a top three fin­ish tak­ing fourth in 3:12.17. St Fran­cois Girls was third in their High School Large Girls 4x100m fi­nals in 47.72. The team of Anal­isha Has­sett, Peli Al­zo­la, Jem­i­nise Par­ris and Tsai-Ann Joseph im­proved on the time of 47.98 set in the heats.

To­co Sec­ondary (Fran­cis Louis, Shane Hec­tor, El­roy Ser­a­pio, Akeem Mar­shall) were sev­enth in their heat of the High School 4x400m (3:31.96) while Bish­op Anstey Port-of-Spain and St Joseph Con­vent Port-of-Spain were 10th in their sec­tions of the High School Girls 4x400m. Bish­ops, with Kafi Ot­t­ley, Sarah Joy De Fran­cois, Je­u­nice Maxime Ak­i­lah Prescod and Rick­il­ia Isaac) clocked 4:13.56 while S Joseph (Ar­ri­ane Math­ew, Bark­er twins An­thinise and An­to­nia and Zara Suite Stew­art) crossed the line in 4:26.03. To­co Sec­ondary (Mick­ay­la Ot­t­ley, Faith Tin­to, Donicia An­toine and Ker­misha Ser­a­pio) were 12th in their race (4:21.21). St An­tho­ny's Col­lege, Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, St Bene­dict's Col­lege al­so com­pet­ed.

In oth­er re­sults, Kashef Daniel, Sher­ma Fer­min, Durel Bus­by, Aleena Brooks and Steve Wait­he all had wins. Daniel (Arkansas State) took the Red Wolf Open men's high jump ti­tle in Arkansas with a mod­est leap of 1.80 and was fourth in the triple jump (13.57).

Fer­min (Wash­ing­ton State) sped to vic­to­ry in the women's 400m at the UW ver­sus WSU Dual meet in Seat­tle in 55.01 and was sec­ond in the 200m (24.95). Fer­min al­so paced Wash­ing­ton State to gold in the 4x100m (45.45) and 4x400m (3:42.99).

At the Drake Re­lays in Iowa, Bus­by was part of Wis­con­sin-Mil­wau­kee's win­ning 4x110m shut­tle hur­dles re­lay team which clocked 56.56. In the in­di­vid­ual 110m hur­dles race Bus­by was third in 13.84 (a sea­son's best).

Brooks helped Min­neso­ta take the Uni­ver­si­ty Dis­tance Med­ley re­lay ti­tle in 11:06.47. Jes­si­ca James and her Iowa Cen­tral team-mates were sec­ond in the Col­lege women's 4x400m in 3:40.48. Olympic 4x400m bronze medal­list Jar­rin Solomon was fourth in the men's Lon­don Games re­match 400m in 45.76. Wait­he pushed his Ship­pens­burg team to first place in the men's 4x100m at the Paul Kaiser Clas­sic in Penn­syl­va­nia on Sat­ur­day in 41.67.

Wait­he was al­so sec­ond in the men's triple jump (15.30m). At the Red Raider Open in Lub­bock, Texas Shu-Shau­na Ma­son, the Al­leyne Forte broth­ers and Jovon Top­pin fin­ished in the top three races. Ma­son was part of South Plains' women's 4x100m which fin­ished sec­ond (44.76).



Col­lege East­ern Long Jump

1–Kier­sten LaRoche–Tem­ple–5.96

Col­lege HIgh Jump

15–De­an­dra Daniel–Cop­pin State–1.64

Col­lege Cham­pi­onships 400m Hur­dles

48–Gabriela Cum­ber­batch–Auburn–1:03.25–8h6


Col­lege 4x200m IC4A

5–Cop­pin State (Hay­sean Cowie-Clarke)–1:25.98

Col­lege 4x100m


39–Cop­pin State( Cowie-Clarke)–42.24–4h9

Col­lege 4x200m


16–Cop­pin State(Cowie-Clarke)–1:26.85

Mas­ters 60+ 100m (+1.8)

3–Ter­rance Skin­ner–T&T Mas­ters–13.56


High Schools 4x400m

2–QRC–(Asa Gue­vara, Nathan Far­in­ha, Jamol Pierre, Jonathan Far­in­ha)–3:13.72


4–Queen's Roy­al Col­lege ( Gue­vara, N Far­in­ha, J Far­in­ha, Pierre)–3:12.17

High School 4x400m

13–Fa­ti­ma (Jor­dan Moses, Nahshon Rul­low, Bran­don Brown, Mikel Wor­rell)–3:36.07

High School 4x400m

9–St .Bene­dicts(Wayne Bona­parte, Xaver­ri Williams, Akeel Spear­ks , Isaac Thomas)–3:39.40

High School 4x400m

7–To­co Sec­ondary (Fran­cis Louis, Shane Hec­tor, El­roy Ser­a­pio, Akeem Mar­shall)–3:31.96

High Schools Small 4x100m


14–QRC(Jared Thomas, Ed­win Phillips, Shamari John, Ay­o­delle Taffe)–42.93

34–St. An­tho­ny's Col­lege (Kobe John, Ian Thomas, Kadeem Camp­bell, Kyle Bac­chus)–43.75

73–St Bene­dicts–Kushauan Joachim, Akeem Alex­is, Akeel Spears, Joash Hug­gins–44.58

114–To­co Sec­ondary (Ja­mal Whar­wood, Vic­tor Isaac, Shane Hec­tor, El­ry Ser­a­pio)–45.66

High School Large 4x100m

17–Fa­ti­ma (Xavier Mu­lu­ga­ta, Abra­ham Bowen, Bre­on Mullings, Alexan­der Pre­vatt)–42.97


High Schools Large 4x100m


3–St. Fran­cois Girls (Anal­isa Has­sett, Peli Al­zo­la, Jem­i­nise Par­ris, Tsai-Anne Joseph)–47.72


9–St. Fran­cois–47.98

25–St. Joseph Con­vent POS(Kafi Wright, Astrid Casimire, Janae Alexan­der, Do­minique Kur­banali)–49.34

74–Bish­ops Anstey (Sarah-Joy De Fran­cois, Je­u­nice Maxime, Rick­il­ia Is­sac, Kafi Ot­t­ley)–50.79

High School 4x400m

10–Bish­ops Anstey(Ot­t­ley, Ak­i­lah Prescod, Isaac, Maxime)–4:13.56

HIgh School 4x400m

10–St. Joseph Con­vent POS–Ar­i­anne Matthew, An­thinise Bark­er, Zara Suite-Stew­art, An­to­nia Bark­er)–4:26.03

High Schools 4x400m

12–To­co Sec­ondary–4:21.21 (Mick­ay­la Ot­t­ley, Faith Tin­to, Donicia An­toine, Ker­misha Ser­a­pio)

High School 4X100m

High Schools Small 4x100m heats

dq–To­co Sec­ondary

Drake Re­lays

Des Moines, Iowa

April 24-27


Uni­ver­si­ty Dis­tance Med­ley Re­lay

1–Min­neso­ta(Ale­na Brooks)11:06.47

Col­lege 4x400m

2–Iowa Cen­tral(Jes­si­ca James)–3:40.48

Uni­ver­si­ty/Col­lege Triple Jump

23–Caris­sa Lea­cock–Iowa–11.41(+2.2)

Uni­ver­si­ty/Col­lege 100m Hur­dles


15–Deb­o­rah John–North Dako­ta–14.53(-5.7)–3h4


400m Lon­don Games re­match

1–Luguelin San­tos–Dom Rep–44.74

2–Je­re­my Wariner–USA–45.35

3–Mar­cus Boyd–USA–45.69

4–Jar­rin Solomon–T&T–45.76

Uni­ver­si­ty/Col­lege 110m Hur­dles


3–Durell Bus­by–Wis­con­sin-Mil­wau­kee–13.84



4x110m Shut­tle Hur­dles


1–Wis­con­sin-Mil­wau­kee (Bus­by)–56.56



Col­lege 4x400m


5–Iowa Cen­tral(Dan-Neil Teles­ford)–3:09.94


6–Iowa Cen­tral–3:13.50

UW vs WSU Dual Meet

Seat­tle, Wash­ing­ton

April 27



2–Shaw­na Fer­min–Wash­ing­ton State–24.95(+1.4)




1–Wash­ing­ton State (Fer­min)–45.45


1–Wash­ing­ton State (Fer­min)–3:42.99

Red Wolf Open


April 26-27

High Jump

1–Kashef Daniel–Arkansas Stat–1.80

Triple Jump


Paul Kaiser Clas­sic

Ship­pens­burg, Pen­syl­va­nia

April 27


Triple Jump

2–Steve Wait­he–Ship­pens­burg–15.30(+0.8)


1–Ship­pens­burgh (With)–41.67

Red Raider Open

Lub­bock, Texas

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