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Friday, February 28, 2025

U-20 v-ball women set to defend Cozavoa crown



Zahra Collins has been ap­point­ed cap­tain of the na­tion­al Un­der-20 women's vol­ley­ball team which will de­part to­mor­row for Mar­tinique via Bar­ba­dos with the aim of re­tain­ing its ti­tle at the Ninth Caribbean Zon­al Vol­ley­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (CA­ZO­VA) Ju­nior Women's (Un­der-20) Cham­pi­onship crown from Ju­ly 13 to 21.

Collins, who was cap­tain of the Un­der-16 team which al­so lift­ed its CA­ZO­VA di­vi­sion­al ti­tle last year is one of nine mem­bers of ei­ther the Un­der-16 or Un­der-18 team which were vic­to­ri­ous at last year's tour­na­ments and coached by Mac­sood Ali.

The oth­er mem­bers of the 2012 win­ning teams in this year's 12-mem­ber squad are Young-sis­ters Re­ann and Kiana, Mak­i­la Yorke, Aliya Ross-Dick, Aaliyah Alex­is, Latisha Morain, Tya­jane Ramey and vice-cap­tain Shak­ile Grannum.

The three new­com­ers in­clude 12-year-old Nico­lette De Mille, Kay­lon Cruick­shank and Megan Galt.

This year T&T will come up against Bar­ba­dos, Guade­loupe, host Mar­tinique as well as last year's run­ner-up US Vir­gin Is­lands in the five-team tour­na­ment.

Last year in St Croix, USVI, T&T led by then Poland-based pro­fes­sion­al Chan­non Thomp­son stormed past USVI to cap­ture the crown and earn a tick­et to the Norce­ca Con­ti­nen­tal Ju­nior (Un­der-20) Women's Cham­pi­onship which was held in Man­agua, Nicaragua, a qual­i­fi­er to FIVB Ju­nior Women's World Cham­pi­onships held ear­li­er this year in Czech Re­pub­lic.

The duo of Re­ann Young and Aliya Dick Ross are al­so grad­u­ates of the Un­der-16 women's team which de­feat­ed Haiti in their CA­ZO­VA fi­nal al­so played in USVI l;ast year and were re­cip­i­ents of the "Best Serv­er" and "Best Re­ceiv­er" ac­co­lades.


Play­ers: Zahra Collins (cap­tain), Shak­ile Grannum (vice-cap­tain), Re­ann Young, Kiana Young, Mak­i­la Yorke, Aaliyah Alex­is, Aliya Ross-Dick, Kay­lon Cruick­shank, Megan Galt, Nico­lette De Mille, Tya­jane Ramey, Latisha Morain.

Tech­ni­cal staff: Mac­sood Ali (coach), Saleem Ali (as­sis­tant coach), Idalmis Gato Moya (as­sis­tant coach/train­er), Kam­la El­cock (man­ag­er).

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