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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Calypso netgirls for South Africa series



T&T's Ca­lyp­so Net­ballers will con­tin­ue prepa­ra­tions for next year's Com­mon­wealth Games in Glas­gow, Scot­land, by par­tic­i­pat­ing in a four-na­tion se­ries in­volv­ing Eng­land, Wales and hosts South Africa.

The event will take place from Oc­to­ber 20-25 at the Nel­son Man­dela Met­ro­pol­i­tan Uni­ver­si­ty in South Africa.

Eng­land are cur­rent­ly ranked third in the world, South Africa are sixth, Wales eight and T&T, ninth.

De­tails have yet to be re­leased, though it ap­pears each team will play each oth­er twice. It will fol­low South Africa's three-test Sep­tem­ber tour of Eng­land where the Pro­teas will face the all ANZ Cham­pi­onship back­line of Ge­va Men­tor, Eboni Beck­ford-Cham­bers and Jade Clarke.

Mean­while, T&T was placed in a tough six-team Pool B for the Com­mon­wealth Games when the draw was made in Glas­gow, yes­ter­day.

T&T will come up against World Cham­pi­ons Aus­tralia, Eng­land, South Africa, Wales and neigh­bours Bar­ba­dos while New Zealand, Ja­maica, Malawi, Scot­land, North­ern Ire­land and St Lu­cia will com­pete in Pool A.

Al­so in the news, na­tion­al un­der-21 net­ball team goal shoot Saman­tha Wal­lace was high­light­ed for a sol­id per­for­mance at the Sev­enth In­ter­na­tion­al Net­ball Fed­er­a­tion World Youth (Un­der-21) Cham­pi­onship in Scot­land.

Wal­lace was named in the top ten play­ers by Web site Net­ which de­scribed her as a star for the fu­ture. In ad­di­tion to Wal­lace, the oth­er play­ers sin­gled out were Chelsea Lewis (Wales), Lisa-Marie Wiese (South Africa), Na­tal­ie Haythorn­th­waite (Eng­land), Khadi­jah Williams (Ja­maica), Rai­jieli Dav­eua (Fi­ji), Sham­era Ster­ling (Ja­maica), Shon­i­ca Warton (Bar­ba­dos), Thristi­na Har­wood (Ja­maica) and her com­pa­tri­ot Van­galee Williams (Ja­maica).

The ar­ti­cle read: "One of the best play­ers of the tour­na­ment with­out a doubt, Wal­lace is a mag­nif­i­cent ath­lete who can play at both ends of the court and at goal at­tack, goal shoot­er and goal keep­er. Wal­lace has missed se­lec­tion in the se­nior side the last few years in favour of goal shoot­ers who are tip­ping 40. This is un­ac­cept­able.

"Wal­lace can play at goal at­tack, with a taller more se­nior play­er be­hind her at shoot­er. The se­nior team could al­so use her at goal de­fence. For the fledg­ling "Ca­lyp­so Girls", Wal­lace is the way of the fu­ture. If not Saman­tha, you are wel­come to move to Aus­tralia."

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