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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

T&T to host Olympic volleyball qualifiers



T&T's youth beach vol­ley­ballers will have a chance to claim a spot at next year's Youth Olympics in Nan­jing, Chi­na, when the T&T Vol­ley­ball Fed­er­a­tion hosts its Youth Olympic qual­i­fy­ing tour­na­ment from No­vem­ber 25-29 at a venue to be de­ter­mined.

Re­cent­ly, Rodell Fraseer and Delshun Wel­come of St Vin­cent and St Lu­cians Dala Noel and Skye Mon­de­sir, claimed the boys and girls places, re­spec­tive­ly, on of­fer from the East­ern Caribbean Vol­ley­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Zone of Norce­ca Round of Youth Olympic Beach Qual­i­fi­ca­tion Tour­na­ment held at Pi­geon Point Beach, St Lu­cia.

The St Vin­cent and the Grenadines duo of Fras­er and Wel­come spiked their way to the top spot when they for­malised their un­beat­en run in the tour­na­ment, in near dom­i­nat­ing fash­ion over Do­mini­ca's Ar­den Elmes and Yahn Flo­rent, tak­ing both match­es in the best of three fi­nal se­ries, 2-0.

They had to ward off a de­fi­ant Elmes and Flo­rent in the first match but came through 21-16, 22-20 and won the sec­ond match, 21-9, 21-5.

There was more his­to­ry mak­ing achieve­ment, as it will be the first time St Vin­cent and the Grenadines will be rep­re­sent­ed at the Olympic Games in a team sport.

In ad­di­tion, they fin­ished the two-day tour­na­ment, drop­ping on­ly one set and end­ed with a 10-1 win/loss ra­tio.

Be­fore meet­ing Elmes and Flo­rent, Fras­er and Wel­come saw off Grena­da's team of Sher­man Clement and Jayvon Gilbert in two straight match­es, to sweep the se­ries with­out many com­pli­ca­tions. The Vin­cen­tians won 21-14, 21-15 and 21-14, 21-11.

Elmes and Flo­rent had a hard­er route to the fi­nal, tak­en to the gold­en set by the St Lu­cian com­bi­na­tion of Alexan­der Augi­er and An­dre Mar­quis.

St Lu­cia won match one, 2-0 ( 21-11, 22-20), but Do­mini­can sent the con­test in­to a gold­en set, as they took match two, 21-23, 21-10, 15-11. Elmes and Flo­rent edged out Augi­er and Mar­quis in the gold­en set, 16-14 in thrilling fash­ion.

St Lu­cia came away with the third spot, tak­ing the two match­es 21-12, 21-15 and 23-21, 21-13.

But it is not all over for Do­mini­ca and St Lu­cia, as they have an­oth­er chance at qual­i­fi­ca­tion in the sec­ond round which be­gins next year.

Noel and Mon­de­sir booked their coun­try's pas­sage to the first ever Beach Vol­ley­ball at the Youth Olympics beat­ing the Grena­di­an duo of Jome­lar Bil­ly and Car­sie Paul 21-19, 22-20 and 21-8, 21-0.

In reach­ing the fi­nals, St Lu­cia de­feat­ed St Vin­cent and the Grenadines over­all 2-0, al­so in the best of three match se­ries.

Mod­e­sir and Noel cleaned up An­gelique Al­lan and Mikhail­la Matthias 21-13, 21-10 and 21-12 , 21-12 to set up their meet­ing with Bil­ly and Paul.

In the oth­er half of the semi­fi­nal, the sit­u­a­tion was not as straight for­ward, as it was tak­en to a gold­en set.

Grena­da claimed the first match 22-20, 21-17, but An­tigua and Bar­bu­da's Natasha Best and Zenelle Ed­wards brought par­i­ty to the con­test by tak­ing match two, 21-15, 21-15.

Grena­da though closed out the du­el by win­ning the gold­en set, but not with­out a nervy fin­ish, 15-13.

An­tigua and Bar­bu­da se­cured the third place over St Vin­cent and the Grenadines, 21-19, 22-20 and 21-12, 21-12.

Grena­da and An­tigua and Bar­bu­da await the next phase of the qual­i­fiers, as they go for their sec­ond chance of reach­ing Chi­na.

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