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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Njisane stars on opening day of cycling festival



Na­tion­al cy­clist Njisane Phillip seems to be back to full fit­ness, win­ning two in­ter­na­tion­al men's events and fin­ish­ing sec­ond in the in­ter­na­tion­al men's keirin event on Fri­day night at the Ari­ma Velo­drome on the open­ing day of the Njisane (Phillip) cy­cling three-day fes­ti­val.Njisane, who en­dured kid­ney prob­lems ear­li­er this year, stood out among some of the top cy­clists in the world. In the in­ter­na­tion­al men's keirin event, Njisane had to set­tle for sil­ver as Gre­go­ry Benott Bauge of France edged Njisane on the line in a pho­to fin­ish. Tomas Babek of Czech Re­pub­lic grabbed the bronze.

Njisane showed his prowess in the in­ter­na­tion­al men's nine-lap and six-lap events, win­ning both events. In the nine-lap race, T&T rid­er Keron Bram­ble, who has been in top form this year, fin­ished sec­ond, while Ar­gen­tine Se­bas­t­ian Dona­dio came third.It was more suc­cess for T&T in the six-lap in­ter­na­tion­al men's event, as Njisane came first and Adam Alex­anad­er (T&T) took home the bronze. Babek's Czech Re­pub­lic team­mate Thomas Ba­bel won sil­ver.

Babek re­turned lat­er in the night to cop the fea­ture in­ter­na­tion­al 25-lap race ahead of T&T broth­ers Adam (sec­ond) and Joshua Alexan­der (third).Ac­tion con­tin­ued last night at Skin­ner Park, San Fer­nan­do.


In­ter­na­tion­al Men 25 Laps

Tomas Babek � Czech Re­pub­lic � Team Black

Adam Alexan­der � T&T � Team Green

Joshua Alexan­der � T&T � Team White

In­ter­na­tion­al Men 9 Laps

1. Njisane Phillip � T&T � Team Red

2. Keron Bram­ble � T&T � Team Red

3. Se­bas­t­ian Dona­dio � Ar­genti­na � Team White

In­ter­na­tion­al & Se­nior Women

1. Lau­rie Berton - France

2. Jenifer Davis - Scot­land

3. Mal­go­rza­ta Wo­j­tyra - Poland

Youth De­vel­op­ers

Boys Un­der 9

Eli­jah Moses- Bike Smith

Kay­lon Tuck­ett- AW­CC

Amari Don­away- AW­CC

Boys Un­der 11

Jesse Hen­der- Slip­stream

Matthew Hinds- Bike Smith

Stephen Nakhid-

Girls Un­der 11

Alex­ia Wil­son- AW­CC

Tehya Sealey- AW­CC

Girls Un­der 13

Sel­yse Chris­t­ian- Son­ics

Rynelle D'abreau- AW­CC

Dahlia Mc Ken­zie- Son­ics

Mas­ters 40-49 2 Lap win & out

Rocky Ho­sein - Hum­ming­bird

Roger Smart- Madon­na

Christo­pher Gill- Heat­wave

Mas­ters 50-59 2 Lap win&out

Cyril Fook - Park­side

Wayne Samuel- South­claine

Earl Gon­za­les- Madon­na

Mas­ters 60-

69 3 Laps

Haride­va La Fond- Un­at­tached

Clyde Pol­lon­ais- South­ca­line

Pat Nel­son- The Braves

Mas­ters 70+ 3 Laps

Earl Hen­ry- Un­at­tached

Bar­ry Edghill- Madon­na

Joey Nunes- Hum­ming­bird

Elite 1& 2 Elim­i­na­tion

Jamol East­mond - Heat­wave

Dario Pagliari­ci � The Braves

Oneil Samuels- The Braves

Elite 4 4 Laps

Ka­mau Re­ece- Petrotrin

A. Puck­erin- Bar­ba­dos

Desmond Nedd- Bike Smith

Elite 3 5 Laps

Mar­vin Arumjo- Team Foun­da­tion

Nicholas Lopez- Madon­na

Ur­ba Bourne- Southamp­ton

Tinymite Women 2 Laps

Ch­enelle Wal­cott- Bike Smith

Adri­ana Sey­ja­gat - AW­CC

Ash­ley White­man - Son­ics

Ju­ve­nile Women 2 Laps

Jhor­dan St George - Slip­stream

Do­minique Lovell - AW­CC

Ju­nior Women 5 Laps

Keiana Lester � Bike Smith

Kol­lyn St George - Slip­stream

Joy Abi­gail John - AW­CC

Tinymites 2 Laps

Jabari White­man - South­claine

Luke Staffn­er - Bar­ba­dos

Dean Wood­s­ley - Petrotrin

Ju­ve­niles 3 Laps

Tyler Cole - Son­ics

Tremaine Forde Catwell - Bar­ba­dos

Chayne Good­man - Bar­ba­dos

Ju­niors 4 Laps

Liam Lovell - Bar­ba­dos

Ed­win Suther­land - Bar­ba­dos

Josh Kel­ly � Son­ics (Bar­ba­dos)



Boys Un­der 7

J Ja­cobs-

Boys Un­der 9

Eli­jah Moses � Bike Smith

Kay­lon Tuck­ett � AW­CC

Amari Doll­away - AW­CC

Boys Un­der 11

Jesse Hen­der - Slip­stream

Matthew Hinds- Bike Smith

Ryan Ma­haraj- Slip­stream

Girls Un­der 11

Alex­ia Wil­son- AW­CC

Tehya Sealey- AW­CC

Boys Un­der 13

D ' An­ge­lo Har­ris- Son­ics

Je­re­mi­ah Charles- Slip­stream

Ryan D' Abreau- AW­CC

Girls Un­der 13

Rynelle D' Abreau- AW­CC

Sel­yse Chris­t­ian- Son­ics

Dahlia Mc Ken­zie- Son­ics

In­ter­na­tion­al & Se­nior Women 6 Laps

Lau­rie Berton - France

Daniela Gax­i­o­la - Mex­i­co

Jen­nifer Davis - Scot­land

In­ter­na­tion­al Men 6 Laps

Njisane Phillip- T&T � Team Red

Thomas Ba­bel- Czech Re­pub­lic

Adam Alexan­der- T&T � Team Green

Elite 1 & 2 4 Lap point­er

Jamol East­mond- Heat­wave

Dario Pagliari­ci- The Braves

Oneil Samuels- The Braves

Elite 3

Olu­dare Mar­celle - Madon­na

Robin Bal­go­b­in- Hum­ming­bird

Murvin Arumjo- Team Foun­da­tion

Elite 4 2 Laps

A Puck­erin- Bar­ba­dos

Brent Mitchell- Petrotrin

Desmond Nedd- Bike Smith

Ju­niors 2 Laps

Sei Daniel - AW­CC

Liam Lovell- Bar­ba­dos

Josh Kel­ly- Son­ics (Bar­ba­dos)

Tinymites 5 Laps

Jabari White­man - South­claine

Dean Wood­s­ley- Petrotrin

Justin Bap­tiste- Slip­stream

Ju­ve­niles Elim­i­na­tion

Tyler Cole - Son­ics

Ja­cobs Kel­ly- Son­ics (Bar­ba­dos)

Bran­don Git­tens- Son­ics

In­ter­na­tion­al Men Keirin

Gre­go­ry Benott Bauge- France � Team White

Njisane Phillip- T&T � Team Red

Tomas Babek- Czech Re­pub­lic

In­ter­na­tion­al & Se­nior Women Keirin

Lau­rie Berton- France

Jenif­fer Davis- Scot­land

Daniela Gax­i­o­la- Mex­i­co

Mas­ters 40 - 49 3 Laps

Roger Smart- Madon­na

Rocky Ho­sein- Hum­ming­bird

Christo­pher Gill- Heat­wave

Mas­ter 50 - 59 4 Laps

Joel Browne- AW­CC

Wayne Samuel- South­claine

Cyril Fook- Park­side

Mas­ters 60 - 69 2 Laps

Haridi­va La Fond- Un­at­tached

Clyde Pol­lon­ais- South­claine

God­frey Clyne- South­claine

Mas­ters 70 + 2 Laps

Earl Hen­ry- Un­at­tached

Bar­ry Edghill- Madon­na

Joey Nunes- Hum­ming­bird

Tinymite Women 3 Laps

Ch­enelle Wal­cott- Bike Smith

Ash­ley White­man- Son­ics

Adri­an­na Sey­ja­gat- AW­CC

Ju­ve­nile Women

Jhor­dan St George- Slip­stream

Do­minique Lovell- AW­CC

Ju­nior Women 2 Laps

Joy Abi­gail John- AW­CC

Keiana Lester- Bike Smith

Te­nille Camp­bell- Son­ics

In­ter­na­tion­al Men Elim­i­na­tion

Varun Ma­haraj- T&T � Team Red

Dar­rren Matthews- Bar­ba­dos � Team Green

Mar­loe Rod­man- Ja­maica � Team Black

Elite 1,2,3 & Ju­niors

Open 10 Laps

Jamol East­mond - Heat­wave

Dario Pagliar­ic­ci � The Braves

Ed­win Suther­land - Bar­ba­dos

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