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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Hart names squad for Argentina, Iran friendlies



Se­nior men's na­tion­al team coach Stephen Hart yes­ter­day an­nounced a 22-man squad for the up­com­ing friend­lies against Ar­genti­na and Iran.Hart has one new­com­er in his squad, for­mer Eng­land Un­der 20 de­fend­er Gavin Hoyte, the younger broth­er of cur­rent se­nior team de­fend­er Justin Hoyte.Cardiff City Ken­wyne Jones will cap­tain the team which in­cludes a host of play­ers who have been part of the na­tion­al team for re­cent match­es in­clud­ing the back to back vic­to­ries over Ja­maica last No­vem­ber.

Hart was firm in his com­ments and ex­pec­ta­tions ahead of the match."Ide­al­ly we'd love to win the two games but we have to be re­al­is­tic. We're com­ing to­geth­er maybe ten days be­fore the game as we're hop­ing to have a train­ing camp with most of the play­ers se­lect­ed here from May 20," Hart said."Both Ar­genti­na and Iran will be com­fort­able as they will be ful­ly pre­pared for a World Cup which starts a few days af­ter our match­es. But sure­ly this is a won­der­ful op­por­tu­ni­ty for us to test our lev­el of readi­ness against two great op­po­nents.

"Re­gard­ing the squad, I tried to come up with the best pos­si­ble names con­sid­er­ing that the games are be­ing played out­side of a Fi­fa date and clubs are not oblig­ed to re­lease the play­ers. But we've come up with a pret­ty de­cent list and I'm sure every­one will be very ea­ger to do their best in the match­es," Hart added.The team de­parts for Buenos Aires on June 1 on a char­ter which is be­ing sup­port­ed by the Min­istry of Tourism. The team along with lo­cal fans will be based at the Etoile Ho­tel in Buenos Aires. The Min­istry of Sport is al­so a sup­port­er of the Na­tion­al team for these up­com­ing match­es.

T&T Squad:Jan Michael Williams (Cen­tral FC), Mar­vin Phillip (Point Fortin CC), Daneil Cyrus (Di­recTV W Con­nec­tion), Justin Hoyte (Mill­wall), Gavin Hoyte (Da­gen­ham & Red­bridge), Radan­fah Abu Bakr (FK Kruo­ja Pakruo­jis), Cur­tis Gon­za­les (De­fence Force), Car­lyle Mitchell (Van­cou­ver White­caps), Shel­don Bateau (KV Meche­len), Khaleem Hy­land (Rac­ing Genk), Ataullah Guer­ra (Cen­tral FC), An­dre Bou­caud (un­at­tached), Ke­van George (Day­ton Dutch Li­ons), Lester Pelti­er (Slo­van Bratisla­va), Jo­evin Jones (W Con­nec­tion), Den­sill Theobald (Cale­do­nia AIA), Mar­cus Joseph (Point Fortin CC), Kevin Moli­no (Or­lan­do City), Run­dell Win­ches­ter (Cen­tral FC), Willis Plaza (Cen­tral FC), Trevin Cae­sar (North East Stars), Ken­wyne Jones (Cardiff City)

Stand­by � Yohance Mar­shall (Cen­tral FC)

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