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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Bovell satisfied with Vancouver swims



T&T Olympic and FI­NA World Long and Short Course Cham­pi­onships bronze medal swim­mer, George Bovell III, has ex­pressed his sat­is­fac­tion with the out­come of his first week­end of in­ter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion which re­sult­ed in a gold medal in the 50m freestyle and sil­ver in the 50m back­stroke.

Com­pet­ing at the 51st Mel Zal­jac Meet held at the Uni­ver­si­ty of British Co­lum­bia Aquat­ic Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty Boule­vard, Van­cou­ver, British Co­lum­bia, Cana­da May 22-25, the 30-year-old Bovell, won gold in the 50m freestyle in 22.91 sec­onds, well ahead of his Club Wolver­ine team-mate Ge­off Cheah who was sec­ond in 23.32 while Yuri Kisil and Zach Hay­den were joint third in 23.33.

Ear­li­er in the pre­lim­i­nary heats, Hay­den was the top qual­i­fi­er in 23.29 ahead of Bovell (23.51), Kisil (23.71) and Cheah (23.79). He got sil­ver in the men's 50m back­stroke in 26.97 be­hind Rus­sell Wood (26.66) while Jef­frey Swanston took bronze in 27.10.

In the heats Bovell was the sixth fastest qual­i­fi­er in the 50m back­stroke heats in 27.66 sec­onds af­ter be­ing seed­ed sec­ond with a time of 25.96 be­hind Wood (25.69).

Bovell al­so won the 50m but­ter­fly B-fi­nal in 25.55 fol­lowed by Ro­han Ja­cobs (25.85) and Stephen Calkins (25.91) while he qual­i­fied for the 50m breast­stroke gold medal swim af­ter he qual­i­fied as the fifth fastest from the heats with a time of 29.53, but opt­ed out of the event.

The four-day meet for the for­mer NCAA cham­pi­on was the first since he last com­pet­ed in No­vem­ber 2013 at the FI­NA World Cup in Bei­jing, Chi­na, win­ning sil­ver in the 100m in­di­vid­ual med­ley, his 13th of the sea­son.

And com­ment­ing on his per­for­mances, Bovell said, "It was a good start­ing point for me. I pur­pose­ly opt­ed to do a lot of rac­ing in quick suc­ces­sion which af­fect­ed the times, but at this stage of my sea­son the times are unim­por­tant, it was about learn­ing what mis­takes I have a ten­den­cy to make so that I may ad­dress them in prac­tice these next com­ing weeks. I was pleased to come away with a gold and sil­ver.

Asked about the re­turn to swim­ming of 22-time Olympic medal­list and 18-time gold medal win­ner Michael Phelps who re­tired af­ter the Lon­don 2012 Olympics, Bovell replied, "It is ob­vi­ous that there are many rea­sons in­volved, but I doubt he will be as for­mi­da­ble as he was be­fore and will not com­pete across such a broad range of events.

Not one to back down from com­pe­ti­tion, Bovell who was third in the Athens Greece Olympics, 200m in­di­vid­ual med­ley fi­nal be­hind Phelps and Ryan Lochte added, "If he wants to come in­to the 50m freestyle I would wel­come it and take plea­sure in show­ing him what speed and tech­nique are all about, but I doubt he will, so his come­back does not re­al­ly af­fect me as we won't be di­rect com­peti­tors. I ex­pect he will swim the 100 free for the re­lay, and the 100m but­ter­fly and 200 in­di­vid­ual med­ley."

Up next for Bovell will be the USA Swim­ming Are­na San­ta Clara Grand prix June 20-22 in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia at the George F Haines In­ter­na­tion­al Swim Cen­tre where he ex­pects to face down old arch ri­val, USA Olympians An­tho­ny Ervin and Nathan Adri­an. At that meet Bovell said he does not in­tend to swim as much races as he did in Cana­da as the em­pha­sis will be on the per­for­mances it­self.

Fol­low­ing that meet he will then jet off to the French Open in ear­ly Ju­ly and then the Com­mon­wealth Games in Glas­gow, Scot­land, at the end of Ju­ly in Glas­gow, Scot­land, as he builds up to the World Short Course Cham­pi­onships in Qatar in De­cem­ber where he hopes to win the 100m IM.

Last year dur­ing the FI­NA World Cup, Bovell's 13 medal tal­ly in­clud­ed one gold, five sil­ver and sev­en bronze while the 200m IM Olympic bronze medal win­ner at Athens 2000 got bronze in the 50m freestyle World Cham­pi­onship Long Course fi­nal in Spain last year to add to his bronze medal won in the 100m IM at the 2012 De­cem­ber's 11th FI­NA World Short Course Cham­pi­onship in Turkey.

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