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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Borel third in Diamond League



Cleopa­tra Borel record­ed her third best toss of the sea­son, yes­ter­day, when the two-time Com­mon­wealth ath­lete placed third at the Her­culis Meet­ing in Mona­co.Borel, the on­ly T&T ath­lete in Di­a­mond League ac­tion on the day, se­cured a 18.96 me­ters dis­tance on her first at­tempt, be­fore she threw 18.65m twice and 18.46m in her next three at­tempts.She was beat­en by run­away Di­a­mond League leader, Va­lerie Adams of New Zealand, who won the event with a 20.38m ef­fort. USA's Michelle Carter fin­ished sec­ond with a 19.05m throw.

Borel's feat comes two weeks af­ter she placed fourth in Lau­sanne with an 18.88m ef­fort. Her sea­son best stands at 19.10m (Co­pa La Ha­bana, Cu­ba), which was a win­ning throw record­ed in March.Her sec­ond best ef­fort for the sea­son was at the New York adi­das Grand Prix, where she record­ed 19.04m.Borel is a mem­ber of T&T's ath­lete con­tin­gent prepar­ing for the up­com­ing Com­mon­wealth Games start­ing in Scot­land on Wednes­day.

Mean­while, top T&T women's sprint­er Michelle-Lee Ahye, who opt­ed out of yes­ter­day's ac­tion be­cause of a ham­string in­jury scare she suf­fered in Switzer­land af­ter cop­ping a 100m and 200m dou­ble on Tues­day, is now re­cov­er­ing well and get­ting some vi­tal rest be­fore the chal­lenge for the gold medal at the Com­mon­wealth Games.De­spite re­main­ing un­beat­en for the year, Ahye's pre­vi­ous world lead­ing time (10.85) was erased by Di­a­mond League leader USA's Tori Bowie, who clocked 10.80 sec­onds. Veron­i­ca Camp­bell-Browne (Ja­maica) placed sec­ond in 10.96 sec­onds, while Ivory Coast's Murielle Ahoure placed third in a sea­son-best 10.97 sec­onds.Allyson Fe­lix of the USA and Shelly-Ann Fras­er Pryce (Ja­maica) both ran sea­son-best times in 11.01 to place fifth and sixth, re­spec­tive­ly.

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