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Friday, March 7, 2025

St Louis, Chung unbeaten in Pan Am festival



France-based top T&T ta­ble-ten­nis pair, Dex­ter St Louis and his step-daugh­ter Rhean Chung, con­tin­ued their un­beat­en run at the Pan Amer­i­can Sport Fes­ti­val in Mex­i­co City with vic­to­ries in their sin­gles match­es yes­ter­day at the Na­tion­al Cen­tre for Tal­ent De­vel­op­ment and High Per­for­mance Sports.St Louis, a five-time Caribbean sin­gles cham­pi­on, swept past Venezue­lan, Mar­cos Rosas, 11�9, 11�8, 11�3 and Ja­maica Ryan Pe­ters, 11�9, 11�3, 11�4 in his Group Five match­es to reach the main draw knock­out stage. How­ev­er, the two oth­er lo­cal men, Aaron Wil­son and Cur­tis Humphreys were beat­en in their open­ers and faced must win match­es to ad­vance.

Wil­son was hum­bled by Brazil­ian Ishiy Vi­tor, 9�11, 2�11, 4�11 in his Group Two open­er and faced Cos­ta Ri­ca Jei­son Mar­tinez in his sec­ond match, while Humphreys went un­der to Ar­gen­tine, Pablo Tabach­nik, 10�12, 5�11, 9�11 and came up against Bar­ba­di­an Kris­t­ian Doughty 8�11, 6�11, 1�11 in Group Sev­en.In the women's com­pe­ti­tion, Chung, al­so a five-time Caribbean women's cham­pi­on, de­feat­ed Colom­bian Palo­ma Sarmien­to 11�9, 11�7, 11�6 be­fore she was tak­en the dis­tance by Cana­di­an Ali­cia Cote, 5�11, 11�6, 6�11, 11�4, 12�10 in Group Six, while ten-time na­tion­al women's sin­gle cham­pi­on, Aleena Ed­wards was beat­en in her Group Four cur­tain rais­er 5�11, 7�11, 7�11 by Chile's Pauli­na Ve­ga with her fi­nal match against Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, Lineth Vi­la card­ed for last night.

Last night in the men's dou­bles, St Louis and Humphreys came up against Tyrese Knight and Mar­cus Smith of Bar­ba­dos in the round-of-16 with a quar­ter­fi­nal en­counter against Ar­gen­tine's Gas­ton Al­to and Pablo Tabach­nik up next for the win­ners ahead of to­day's semi­fi­nal and fi­nals.In the women's dou­bles, Chung and Ash­ley Quashie start­ed off the round-of-16 ver­sus Cana­da's Ali­cia Cote and Michelle Li­aw.On Thurs­day, the T&T men end­ed bot­tom of their round-robin Group Two se­ries af­ter los­ing to Cana­da and Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, both by 3�1 mar­gins while the lo­cal women's team al­so suf­fered 1�3 loss­es, against Brazil and Guatemala with St Louis and Chung get­ting both wins in each cat­e­go­ry.

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