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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Doubles men stop D/Republic



The T&T con­tin­gent dis­played top per­for­mances in ta­ble ten­nis and swim­ming as ac­tion con­tin­ued yes­ter­day at the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean Games (CAC) in Ve­r­acruz, Mex­i­co.


At the Omega Com­plex in the men's dou­bles last-eight, T&T pair Cur­tis Humphreys and Dex­ter St Louis dumped David Vi­la and Isaac Vi­la of Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic 12-10, 11-9, 11-8 and come up against Mex­i­cans, Guiller­mo Munoz and Ri­car­do Vil­la who de­feat­ed Venezue­lans, Luis Di­az and Mar­co Navas 6-11, 11-6, 12-10, 11-1 in the semi­fi­nals.

In the women's dou­bles, T&T duo Rheann Chung and Ash­ley Quashie were stopped by Venezue­lans Grem­lis Arvelo and Roxy Gon­za­lez 6-11, 9-11, 9-11 in their last-eight en­counter. Last night in the mixed dou­bles, Humphreys and Quashie faced Ja­maicans Si­mon Tom­lin­son and Yvonne Fos­ter, while Aaron Wil­son and Cather­ine Spicer bat­tled the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic pair of Isaac Vi­la and Jo­hen­ny Valdez in the round-of-32.

On Mon­day in the women's sin­gles Chung de­feat­ed Kar­la Brit­to of Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic 11-5, 11-4, 11-7 and Guatemala's An­drea Mon­toya 11-3, 11-8, 11-6 in Group Five; Quashie went un­der to Puer­to Ri­can Melanie Di­az 5-11, 5-11, 2-11 but was then award­ed a walkover win against Bar­ba­di­an An­gela Reid in Group Nine.

Venezue­lan Wim­ber­ly Mon­tero stopped T&T's Spicer 11-5, 11-8, 7-11, 11-9 while the lat­ter was al­so beat­en by Cuban Idalys Lovet 5-11, 3-11, 4-11 in Group 13.

And in the men's sin­gles St Louis was up­staged in his open­er by Cuban Jorge Cam­pos 5-11, 6-11, 7-11 be­fore beat­ing El Sal­vador's Er­ick Avilez 6-11, 11-3, 13-11, 11-1 in Group Three; teenag­er Aaron Wil­son beat Ja­maican Michael Hy­att 7-11, 4-11, 11-5, 11-9, 11-5 be­fore los­ing to Cuban Yohan Mor­ra 5-11, 11-1, 5-11 in Group Eight; and in Group 12, Guatemala's Hec­tor Gat­i­ca de­feat­ed Humphreys 11-7, 11-3, 11-6 while the lat­ter hum­bled Hon­duran Miguel Sarmien­to 11-2, 11-7, 11-9.


On Mon­day in Boat­ing at the Tux­pan Riv­er, T&T's Satyam Ma­haraj was sev­enth in the men's KI 200m fi­nal with a 1:00.998 clock­ing while Keian Hug­gins placed sixth in the women's fi­nal, with a 1:11.242 tim­ing.


Roger Daniel got bronze in the men's 10m Air Pis­tol fi­nal with 175.8 points be­hind Cuban gold medal­ist Jorge Grau (201.1) and Mex­i­can Mau­rilio Morales who took sil­ver with 196.8.

In the morn­ing qual­i­fy­ing ses­sion, Daniel al­so had the third best tal­ly from his six sec­tors with 570 point to trail Grau (573) and Morales (571) while T&T's two oth­er com­peti­tors, Rod­ney Allen (545) and Clement Mar­shall (527) were 22nd and 31st over­all.

And in the Men's 10m Air Pis­tol Team com­pe­ti­tion, the trio of Daniel, Allen and Mar­shall com­bined for 1,642 points for sixth spot while in the women's in­di­vid­ual com­pound archery com­pe­ti­tion, Neela Cezair was 19th with 631 points.


Over at the Leyes de Re­for­ma Aquat­ic Cen­tre, swim­mer, Abra­ham Mc Leod qual­i­fied for the men's 50m breast­stroke fi­nal which was al­so con­test­ed last night, af­ter he was sec­ond in 28.92 be­hind Venezue­lan Car­los Clavarie (28.84) in their heat while his broth­er Joshua Mc Leod con­test­ed the men's 50m but­ter­fly fi­nal from lane two.


At the Cor­do­ba Sports Are­na, Willis sis­ters, An­gela and Ve­ra­nia closed with 20 and 16 points, re­spec­tive­ly to lead Cos­ta Ri­ca women over T&T, 25-19, 25-19, 25-14 in their fi­nal round-robin vol­ley­ball match.

For T&T, Chan­non Thomp­son and Sinead Jack fin­ished with sev­en points each in the third loss from as many match­es while they will next the los­er fo one of the two quar­ter­fi­nals, fea­tur­ing Mex­i­co/Colom­bia and Cu­ba/Cos­ta Ri­ca.

Puer­to Ri­co de­feat­ed Mex­i­co and clinched their sec­ond vic­to­ry 25-17, 22-25, 27-25, 25-20 to ad­vance straight to the semi­fi­nals as group win­ners while in Pool A de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic closed the pool phase un­de­feat­ed af­ter beat­ing Cu­ba 25-20, 25-19, 25-19 to earn the au­to­mat­ic semi­fi­nal spot from the group while Colom­bia over­came Venezuela 25-22, 26-24, 25-23.


In men's kierin round one ac­tion yes­ter­day, T&T cy­clist Kwe­si Browne came sec­ond in heat three to ad­vance to the next round. An­oth­er T&T rid­er Jude Co­dring­ton was elim­i­nat­ed from con­tention, af­ter not fin­ish­ing heat two. He had a sec­ond chance to qual­i­fy for the next round, but did not start the round one repechage.

On Mon­day, Browne, Co­dring­ton and Quin­cy Alexan­der fin­ished fifth over­all in the men's team sprint.

To­day at the Leyes de Re­for­ma Aquat­ic Cen­tre, Wednes­day, 31-year-old Bovell III who re­cent­ly end­ed an­oth­er suc­cess­ful FI­NA/Mast­bank World Cup sea­son and is the two-time de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons in the men's 50m freestyle hav­ing won the last two events in Mayaguez, Puer­to Ri­co (2010) and 2006 in Carta­ge­na, Colom­bia will get gold medal cam­paign off and run­ning when he lines up in heat two of the men's 50m back­stroke while com­pa­tri­ot David Mc Leod goes in heat one, and Joshua Mc Leod, heat one of the men's 100m but­ter­fly. Bovell is al­so ex­pect­ed to spear­head the men's 4 x 100m freestyle quar­tet in their fi­nal tonight.

In Archery, the trio of George Viree, Has­math Alo and Am­rit Siew both com­pet­ed in the men's in­di­vid­ual com­pound as well as the team com­pe­ti­tion while the na­tion­al women's hock­ey team tack­le Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic at the High Per­for­mance Cen­tre, the Women's So­ca War­riors face Mex­i­co in a re­match of their Con­ca­caf Women's World Cup third place match at Hugo Sanchez Sports Com­plex.


T&T's se­nior women's bas­ket­ball team will be seek­ing to im­prove on its sev­enth placed fin­ish four years ago, when coach Christo­pher Jack­son Charles' team opens its ac­count at the 2014 Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and Caribbean Games (CAC), to­day, against Cu­ba.

T&T and Cu­ba will meet from 2.30 pm (TT time) at the Ben­i­to Juarez Au­di­to­ri­um, Ve­r­acruz, fol­low­ing the Group B open­er be­tween Ja­maica and 2010 CAC sil­ver medal team, the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic. Group A ac­tion will fol­low at the same venue, at 8 pm, when Cos­ta Ri­ca and de­fend­ing CAC bas­ket­ball cham­pi­on Puer­to Ri­co meet. Host team Mex­i­co and El Sal­vador will meet in the fi­nal match of the day.

Fol­low­ing to­day's ac­tion, T&T will face the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic to­mor­row from 2.30 pm and Ja­maica on Fri­day, from mid­day. The qual­i­fi­ca­tion rounds and semi­fi­nals will be played on Sat­ur­day, fol­lowed by the place match­es and the fi­nal on Sun­day.

The men's tour­na­ment fea­tur­ing Pana­ma, the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, Puer­to Ri­co, Ja­maica, Mex­i­co and Cos­ta Ri­ca will start on Mon­day and end on No­vem­ber 28.

T&T's squad for the tour­na­ment in­cludes the late ad­di­tions of Al­i­son Young and To­ba­go pair Aniecia Bap­tiste and Dour­ciel Moore, who have re­placed un­avail­able play­ers, Melis­sa Guerero, Shaki­ra Clarke and Ali­cia Liv­er­pool.

The oth­er play­ers in­clude Rhea Co­dio, Jowan Or­te­ga, Jenelle Richard­son, Kielle Con­nel­ly, Ali­cia Cum­ber­batch, Saman­tha Wal­lace, Trecha Jack­son-Kennedy, Patrice Ed­wards, and Afeisha Noel. The sup­port staff in­clude, Arnold Thomas (man­ag­er), Shawn Ryan (asst coach) and Claire Mitchell (of­fi­cial).

Ini­tial­ly, T&T failed to qual­i­fy for the CAC Games af­ter fin­ish­ing fourth at the CBC Cham­pi­onships in Ju­ly. How­ev­er, the US Vir­gin Is­lands, which orig­i­nal­ly qual­i­fied, pulled out of the tour­na­ment, open­ing an in­vi­ta­tion for T&T to par­tic­i­pate.


With each team on one point, T&T can take a shock lead in Group A of the Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and Caribbean (CAC) women's foot­ball tour­na­ment, to­day, with a shock win over host team Mex­i­co, when the two teams meet in their sec­ond fix­ture.

The two teams will kick off at 5 pm kick­off at the Es­ta­dio Unidad De­porti­va Hugo Sanchez, Greater Ve­r­acruz, fol­low­ing a Group A dou­ble-head­er open­er be­tween Colom­bia and Haiti.

All four teams are equal in the stand­ings af­ter two 1-1 draws on Mon­day evening.

In its open­er against Haiti, T&T came from a goal down in the first half to seal a draw thanks to a 51st minute goal from Patrice Camp­bell.

The sec­ond fix­ture on the night saw Mex­i­co steal a point af­ter can­cel­ing a first half Colom­bian goal with an equal­iz­er in the fifth minute of time added on in the sec­ond half.

Mex­i­co's goal was scored by Veron­i­ca Cor­ral, the same play­er who scored two goals in ex­tra time against T&T last month at the Con­ca­caf Women's Cham­pi­onships, to boot the "Women's So­ca War­riors" in­to the third-place play­off.

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