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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Plaza, Win­ches­ter un­able to play in Pro League

T&T players blocked by FIFA



T&T In­ter­na­tion­als, Willis Plaza and Run­dell Win­ches­ter have spent the last two months un­able to play com­pet­i­tive foot­ball due to FI­FA red tape which is hold­ing up their de­but for the lo­cal sea­son for Cen­tral FC in the Dig­i­cel T&T Pro League.

Both play­ers moved from the Cou­va-based club to Bel­gium's CSVise where they joined their for­mer coach, Eng­lish­man Ter­ry Fen­wick.

But things quick­ly went wrong as their play­ers have not been paid since Sep­tem­ber as di­rec­tors left the club with those left be­hind strug­gling to find new fi­nance, while Cen­tral FC was al­so chas­ing mon­ey owed by a Eu­ro­pean club which was to be paid in three tranch­es for Win­ches­ter.

Cen­tral FC's op­er­a­tions di­rec­tor, Kevin Har­ri­son said, "When the Bel­gian club missed the first pay­ment date, we con­tact­ed them on­ly to find that the club was suf­fer­ing from fi­nan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties and al­so learned that the boys hadn't been paid, which was a breach of their con­tracts."

Three weeks af­ter the first trans­fer pay­ment was due it was clear it would not be paid in the near fu­ture, and re­al­is­ing that Win­ches­ter had still not been paid by Vise, Cen­tral FC's board de­cid­ed that they would re­call the speedy To­bag­on­ian and pay for his flight home.

Hear­ing that Win­ches­ter was re­turn­ing to T&T, Plaza al­so ap­proached the two-year-old Cen­tral FC for as­sis­tance.

"We spoke to Dex­ter Skeene at the Pro League and I wrote two let­ters to T&TFA Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary Shel­don Phillips ex­plain­ing the play­er's sit­u­a­tion, and the lat­ter promised to "look in­to it" as it ap­peared to be a straight­for­ward process to bring the guys home and reg­is­ter them with Cen­tral," said Har­ri­son.

"Vise had breached their trans­fer agree­ment with Cen­tral FC and breached their con­tracts with the play­ers. The Bel­gian club sup­port­ed the play­ers re­turn to T&T and even agreed to in­sti­gate their in­ter­na­tion­al trans­fers via FI­FA's TMS sys­tem."

But once the play­ers re­turned to T&T, the sit­u­a­tion be­came more dif­fi­cult. "We up­loaded their in­for­ma­tion on the TMS sys­tem and wait­ed for ap­proval, but it nev­er came through," said Har­ri­son.

"We kept up­dat­ing Shel­don and ask­ing about progress. On Sep­tem­ber 30, Shel­don had still "heard noth­ing from the Bel­gian FA."

By this time, both play­ers were in train­ing with Cen­tral FC. "We had paid for their flights, pro­vid­ed hous­ing for them and were help­ing them out with some cash. But they could not play for Cen­tral un­til FI­FA au­tho­rised their reg­is­tra­tion," he said.

On Oc­to­ber 10, Cen­tral FC com­posed a let­ter to FI­FA's Play­er's Sta­tus Com­mit­tee, but be­ing un­able to lo­cate any con­tact de­tails, sent the let­ter to Phillips who in­formed Har­ri­son that the com­mit­tee didn't use email, but would for­ward the com­plaint to the Bel­gian FA.

"Three days lat­er, I sent a let­ter con­cern­ing Plaza to Shel­don, ask­ing him to for­ward this to the Play­er's Sta­tus Com­mit­tee. On Oc­to­ber 26, Har­ri­son said he wrote Phillips again ex­plain­ing that Cen­tral were ba­si­cal­ly fi­nan­cial­ly sup­port­ing both play­ers yet were un­able to play them. He al­so point­ed out that both play­ers may well be pos­si­ble se­lec­tions for Stephen Hart's Caribbean Cup squad if they were match fit."

Phillips replied that he would fol­low up with FI­FA the next day and that a pro­vi­sion­al reg­is­tra­tion may be the best op­tion.

On Oc­to­ber 29, Cen­tral re­ceived two let­ters from FI­FA's di­rec­tor of le­gal af­fairs which stat­ed that the play­ers or­di­nar­i­ly could not be reg­is­tered out­side of the FI­FA trans­fer win­dow, but it did point out that with the sup­port of the "com­pe­tent de­cid­ing au­thor­i­ty" it was pos­si­ble that FI­FA could take pro­vi­sion­al mea­sures to au­tho­rise their reg­is­tra­tions.

Af­ter dis­cussing the mat­ter with Phillips, Har­ri­son wrote to him on Oc­to­ber 31, re­quest­ing that FI­FA au­tho­rise the reg­is­tra­tions and on No­vem­ber 7, Phillips sent a TTFA "play­er clear­ance and reg­is­tra­tion" form for each play­er, which we hoped would al­low them to fi­nal­ly reg­is­ter with Cen­tral FC.

The forms were com­plet­ed and emailed back the same day, but de­spite sev­er­al at­tempts to sev­er­al of Phillip's email ad­dress­es, the emails bounced back.

Fi­nal­ly the forms were hand-de­liv­ered to the TTFA of­fice. Once the forms were com­plet­ed, Phillips said they just need­ed to be sent to the Pro League of­fice to con­firm clear­ance for the play­ers to be reg­is­tered.

"How­ev­er, once we sent the forms to the Pro League, we were told by gen­er­al sec­re­tary, Ju­lia Bap­tiste, that the TTFA forms could not be used to re­place the nec­es­sary trans­fer forms and that we need­ed to ob­tain trans­fer cer­tifi­cates or an of­fi­cial let­ter from FI­FA," said Har­ri­son.

"We just couldn't un­der­stand why we couldn't re­solve the is­sue. As far as we could tell, both play­ers were free agents. Their ba­sic right to earn their liv­ing was be­ing de­nied and, to us, it was sim­ply a mat­ter of cut­ting through the red tape to solve the prob­lem," said Har­ri­son.

"Both had not been paid by their club and Win­ches­ter's trans­fer had been null and void due to non-pay­ment of the agreed fee. We thought that the FI­FA TMS were sup­posed to re­move these bar­ri­ers."

Fi­nal­ly, Phillips ad­vised Har­ri­son that it looked like the play­ers could not be reg­is­tered un­til the Jan­u­ary trans­fer win­dow.

Har­ri­son said that he had not been copied in to any of the cor­re­spon­dence be­tween TTFA and FI­FA or the Bel­gian FA.

"We put all of our faith in Shel­don, who I have a pos­i­tive re­la­tion­ship with and we can on­ly as­sume that FI­FA is not in­ter­est­ed in as­sist­ing these play­ers, which, in it­self, is shock­ing.

With re­gards to FI­FA, Har­ri­son said that some­thing is very wrong with the FI­FA sys­tems if clubs can re­nege on trans­fers and breach play­er con­tracts, yet refuse to as­sist the vic­tims of such ac­tions. "Where is the pro­tec­tion for lo­cal clubs and play­ers when deal­ing with clubs over­seas? We're not sports lawyers. We re­ly on the guid­ance of TTFA in these mat­ters.

"There is on­ly so much we can do. Af­ter that, we must re­ly on TTFA to fight our cor­ner."

Mean­while, Win­ches­ter and Plaza con­tin­ue to watch from the side­lines while their ca­reers are at a stand­still.

Source: Cen­tral FC

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