Former president of Madonna Wheelers Cycling Club Barry Edghill says the bicycle lane around the Queen's Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain is being fully utilised thus far, but believes motorists are not aware of the cyclists rights.
Following a meeting between Government Ministers and members of the cycling fraternity in January it was decided that cyclists will be allowed to use the inside lane (closest to the savannah) of the Savannah at specific times (see below). Among those present at the opening of the cycling lane on March 1 were Stephen Cadiz (Minister of Trade), Gerald Hadeed (Minister of Tourism), Suruj Rambachan (Minister of Works & Infrastructure) and Winston Peters (Minister of Community Development). Former top national cyclists Roger Gibbon and Gene Samuel were also present.
Edghill is concerned with the safety of the cyclists. He said: "On Sunday I was around the Savannah and between the Zoo and Memorial Park I saw about 30 cyclists using the lane. I believe it is being used but the problem is that it is not yet safe. The worst thing to happen is for someone to get bounce down."
Edghill said more needs to be done to make drivers aware that cyclists have access to a lane. The former Madonna Wheelers president said riding on the lane for the first time was a great feeling. "It was exhilarating, it was a dream come true (to ride on the lane), but we need to educate the motorists."
Cyclists are allowed to use the inside lane (closest to the savannah) of the Queen's Park Savannah during the following times:
�2 Monday - Friday: 4 am - 6 am and 8.30 pm - 10.30 pm
�2 Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays: 5 am - 9 am