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Thursday, March 6, 2025

T&T third



Akan­ni His­lop and Kayelle Clarke both won gold medals in the fi­nal ses­sion at the 44th Carif­ta Games to bring T&T's over­all tal­ly to 22 medals at the end of the meet at the Kim Collins Sta­di­um in Bas­seterre, St Kitts, on Mon­day night.

T&T fin­ished with six gold, eight sil­ver and eight bronze to end third in the medal stand­ings be­hind Ja­maica (85) and Ba­hamas (31).

En­ter­ing the last ses­sion with 15 medals, T&T added two gold, four bronze and one sil­ver in­clud­ing three 4x400me­tre medals.

His­lop, who en­tered the boys 200me­tre Un­der-18 fi­nal with the fastest time of 21.25 sec­onds, went un­der 21 sec­onds to win gold in 20.91.

It was a close bat­tle for sil­ver, but Ja­van Mar­tin of the Ba­hamas pre­vailed in 21.16 ahead of Ja­maican Xav­ior An­gus in 21.17.

Clarke, who fin­ished fourth in the girls 100m U-20 fi­nal, grabbed gold in the girls 200m U-20 in 23.12. Ja­maican Saqukine Cameron claimed sil­ver in 23.32, while Ba­hami­an Keian­na Al­bury won bronze in 23.49.

Snatch­ing bronze in the boys long jump U-18 was Clement Camp­bell. Camp­bell saved his best for last dis­turb­ing the sand at the 6.86m mark in his last (sixth) jump. Ja­maicans Pak­i­to Dud­ley (7.03m) and Sham­mawi Welling­ton (7.02m) won gold and sil­ver re­spec­tive­ly.

Af­ter the T&T 4x100 teams picked up three medals on Sun­day night, the 4x400 teams earned one sil­ver and two bronze. Both the girls and boys U-20 4x400m teams won bronze, while the boys 4x400m U-18 quar­tet grabbed sil­ver. The girls 4x400m U-18 team fin­ished a dis­ap­point­ing fifth. On Sun­day the girls 4x100m U-20 unit fin­ished third, but was un­for­tu­nate­ly dis­qual­i­fied for a ba­ton ex­change out­side the zone.

The team re­turned home yes­ter­day and both T&TOC pres­i­dent Bri­an Lewis and Sportt's ex­ec­u­tive man­ag­er An­tho­ny Creed were at the air­port to greet them.


?Boys 200m Un­der-18 Fi­nals

1 His­lop, Akan­ni - T&T - 20.91

2 Mar­tin, Ja­van - Ba­hamas - 21.16

3 An­gus, Xav­ior - Ja­maica - 21.17

Girls 200m U-20 Fi­nals

1 Clarke, Kayelle - T&T - 23.12

2 Cameron, Saqukine - Jca - 23.32

3 Al­bury, Keian­na - Ba­hamas - 23.49

Boys Long Jump U-18 Fi­nals

1 Dud­ley, Pak­i­to - Ja­maica - 7.03m

2 Welling­ton, Sham­mawi - Jca - 7.02m

3 Camp­bell, Clement - T&T - 6.86m

Girls 100 M Hur­dles U-20 Fi­nals

1 Thomp­son, Yanique - Jca - 13.21

2 Williams, Jea­nine � Jca - 13.40

3 Par­ris, Jem­i­nise � T&T - 13.85

Boys 4x400m Re­lay U-18 Fi­nals

1 Ja­maica - 3:12.07

2 T&T - 3:14.23 (Kobe John, Ter­ry Fred­er­ick, Ju­dah Tay­lor, Ja­cob St Clair)

3 Ba­hamas - 3:18.12

Girls 4x400m Re­lay U-20 Fi­nals

1 Ja­maica - 3:37.96

2 British Vir­gin Is­lands - 3:46.43

3 T&T - 3:47.55 (Thy­la-Ma­ree Scott, Kayelle Clarke, Je­u­nice Maxime, Jem­i­nise Par­ris)


Coun­try G S B To­tal

Ja­maica 41 25 19 85

Ba­hamas 8 13 10 31

T&T 6 8 8 22

Bar­ba­dos 7 4 5 16

Grena­da 1 3 4 8

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