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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Jorsling is Pro League all-time marksman



De­vorn Jorsling's knack for scor­ing goals has re­cent­ly vault­ed him to the top of the TT Pro League all-time scor­ing chart with 134 goals, three more than San Juan Jabloteh's Ker­ry Bap­tiste.

And al­though his goals over the years have won him many hearts, two (2010-2011 & 2012-2013) Dig­i­cel Pro League cham­pi­onships among var­i­ous Cup medals, three Gold­en Boot Awards (2008, 2010-2011 & 2012-2013), and even the Play­er of the Year ho­n­our in 2010-2011, the pro­lif­ic De­fence Force for­ward's dream is to tru­ly be­come an in­spi­ra­tion to oth­er males from his Mor­vant home­town.

Jorsling ex­plained, "It is where I came from and want­i­ng to do good, and ap­pear­ing in the news for the good rea­sons is what I think sets me apart from oth­er for­wards. I am from Co­conut Dri­ve in Mor­vant, a some­what de­pressed place. So I hope that what I do as a foot­baller could prob­a­bly in­flu­ence oth­er young males to do well."

But the 31-year-old Jorsling al­so has fur­ther per­son­al am­bi­tions of his own, and they in­clude break­ing his per­son­al scor­ing record of 21 goals in a sea­son and prov­ing his worth for a re­call to the Trinidad and To­ba­go Na­tion­al Se­nior Team for the 2015 CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup.

He won his first cap in 2007 and has made 40 ap­pear­ances for the "So­ca War­riors", scor­ing 17 goals.

"I hope to get back in­to the na­tion­al set-up," he said. "I can on­ly try to per­suade the na­tion­al coach­es with my goal scor­ing abil­i­ties and hope­ful­ly the call will come."

Jorsling's re­cent form al­so earned him the March Wendy's Play­er of the Month award, while Point Fortin Civic for­ward Mar­cus Joseph picked up the Wendy's Play­er of the Month award for Feb­ru­ary.

Jorsling said that his goal at the start of the sea­son was to score 20 league goals, but with 19 goals al­ready, in­clu­sive of four hat-tricks, and two match­es re­main­ing, his tar­get is now beat­ing his per­son­al best of 21 league goals in a sea­son.

"For me this has been my best sea­son ever," added the De­fence Force tar­get man. "Be­cause of how dif­fi­cult it was and be­ing able to achieve what I've done so far. I was still deal­ing with the loss of my best friend [and for­mer team­mate] Kevon Carter (who died of a heart at­tack a year ago). Al­so, we (De­fence Force) didn't start well and in the first two rounds I wasn't re­al­ly the first choice in at­tack."

But Jorsling, who had worked his way back from a bro­ken leg be­fore join­ing the De­fence Force in 2002, knows what it takes to fight his way out of the bot­tom. He was num­ber five on the peck­ing or­der when he joined the De­fence Force foot­ball team, fol­low­ing stints at W Con­nec­tion and home­town club Cale­do­nia AIA.

"I's a great feel­ing to achieve such a feat and to still be ac­tive," said Jorsling on top­ping the TT Pro League all-time scor­ing chart. "It's great to be at the top in a league that had some great scor­ers from all over the Caribbean such as Arnold Dwari­ka, Earl Jean, Pe­ter By­ers, Ker­ry Bap­tiste and so many more.

"I know Kevon would re­al­ly be proud of me. He was the play­er that used to try to get the ball to me a lot to score and he would al­ways mo­ti­vate me to work hard­er."

Jorsling (134), Ker­ry Bap­tiste (131) and for­mer na­tion­al stand­out Arnold Dwari­ka (103) are the on­ly play­ers with more than a cen­tu­ry of Pro League goals, while St Lu­cian Earl Jean is the top for­eign­er and fourth over­all with 90 goals, fol­lowed by An­tho­ny Wolfe (78), Au­r­tis Whit­ley (76) and Guyana's Ran­dolph Jerome (74), while Jorsling's De­fence Force team­mate Josi­mar Bel­grave is next with 64.

On his 19 goals thus far this sea­son at the top of the 2014-2015 scor­ing list, Jorsling praised his team­mates and coach­ing staff, giv­ing spe­cial men­tion to vet­er­an mid­field­er Ker­ry Joseph and head coach Mar­vin Gor­don.

"I un­der­stand my job is to put the ball in­to the back of the net," said Jorsling. "I pre­pare a lot be­fore and when game day come it's all I fo­cus about. But I have to give cred­it to my team­mates as well for the sup­port. I want to spe­cial­ly thank Ker­ry Joseph a lot for his dis­tri­b­u­tions and the coach (Mar­vin Gor­don) for us­ing Ker­ry in his sys­tem of play be­hind the strik­er."

Jorsling's De­fence Force, push­ing for a third place Dig­i­cel Pro League fin­ish this sea­son, will re­turn to ac­tion to­day (Sun­day 26 April) against Ker­ry Bap­tiste's San Juan Jabloteh from 4 pm at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um be­fore wrap­ping up their fi­nal league match of the sea­son against St Ann's Rangers.

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