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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Hart announces Gold Cup squad



Trinidad and To­ba­go's Se­nior Na­tion­al Team head coach Stephen Hart yes­ter­day an­nounced a fi­nal 23-man squad to con­test the up­com­ing CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup in the Unit­ed States start­ing next month.

Hart, along with his as­sis­tant coach­es Hut­son Charles and Derek King have as­sessed the play­ers through­out the last few weeks over a pe­ri­od which in­clud­ed three in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly match­es. Hart had al­so been keep­ing abreast of the progress of the play­ers in their re­spec­tive over­seas Leagues and the T&T Pro League.

The team's coach­ing staff in­clud­ed a few play­ers who were not in the re­cent teams that faced Cu­ra­cao and Jor­dan. Among them are Ice­land-based for­ward Jonathan Glenn who was part of the Caribbean Cup Fi­nals squad last No­vem­ber, Colum­bus Crew mid­field­er Ke­van George, El Sal­vador-based de­fend­er Yohance Mar­shall,US-based for­ward Run­dell Win­ches­ter and goal­keep­er Adri­an Fon­cette. Al­so mak­ing the cut is Un­der 20 strik­er Kadeem Corbin.

The oth­er reg­u­lars mak­ing the 23-man squad in­clude cap­tain Ken­wyne Jones, goal­keep­ers Mar­vin Phillip and Jan Michael Williams, Bel­gium-based duo Khaleem Hy­land and Shel­don Bateau, ,Cen­tral FC duo Ataulla Guer­ra and Willis Plaza, San Jose Earth­quakes for­ward Cordell Cato, Slo­vak-based winger Lester Pelti­er, Eng­lish-based mid­field­er An­dre Bou­caud, Kaza­khstan-based de­fend­er Aubrey David, Dan­ish-based de­fend­er Radan­fah Abu Bakr,Chica­go Fire's Jo­evin Jones and W Con­nec­tion de­fend­er Daneil Cyrus.

Hart has com­menced a res­i­den­tial train­ing camp with ses­sions at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um and this will con­tin­ue lead­ing up to the team's de­par­ture for Fort Laud­erdale on Sun­day where an­oth­er live-in camp will take place. T&T will al­so face Haiti in a closed door train­ing match be­fore fly­ing to Chica­go on Ju­ly 7th for its Gold Cup open­er against Guatemala on Ju­ly 9th at Sol­dier Field.

"I have con­fi­dence in this group of play­ers that we can put things right," Hart told TTFA Me­dia.

"Once every­one buys in­to what we need to do col­lec­tive­ly in or­der to achieve what we want then it will go well for us. We would need to fo­cus on our task and sup­port each oth­er. We have the tal­ent. We know that sev­en­teen days may not be ide­al, but if you add in the match pe­ri­od at the Gold cup, it's 25 plus days of us be­ing to­geth­er as a team and that is im­por­tant es­pe­cial­ly look­ing be­yond with the World Cup qual­i­fi­ca­tion com­ing up lat­er in the year," Hart added.

Tour­na­ment rules al­low changes to be made to the 23-man squad up un­til the day be­fore the open­ing match while six play­ers from out­side of the 23-man squad (from the 35-man pro­vi­sion­al ros­ter) can join the team for the knock­out phase.

"We'll be hav­ing play­ers out­side of the 23 play­ers in­volved in this prepa­ra­tions this week and we will mon­i­tor their progress same time be­cause the door will not be closed on any­one," Hart said.

T&T 23-man squad

GK (3) � Adri­an Fon­cette (Po­lice FC); Mar­vin Phillip (Point Fortin); Jan-Michael Williams (Cen­tral FC)

DF (7) � Radan­fah Abu Bakr (HB Koge/Den­mark); Shel­don Bateau (KV Meche­len/Bel­gium); Daneil Cyrus (Ha Noi T&T/Viet­nam); Aubrey David (Shakhter Kara­gandy /Kaza­khstan); Yohance Mar­shall (Ju­ven­tud In­de­pen­di­ente/El Sal­vador); Mekeil Williams (Di­recTV W Con­nec­tion); Khaleem Hy­land (Rac­ing Genk)

MF (7) � Jo­evin Jones (Chica­go Fire/USA); Cordell Cato (San Jose Earth­quakes/USA);Dwane James (North East Stars); An­dre Bou­caud (Da­gen­ham & Red­bridge/Eng­land); Lester Pelti­er (Slo­van Bratisla­va/Slo­va­kia), Kevon George (Colum­bus Crew); Keron Cum­mings (North East Stars)

F (6) - Jonathan Glenn (IBV/Ice­land); Ken­wyne Jones (Cardiff City/Wales); At­u­al­la Guer­ra, Willis Plaza (Cen­tral FC); Run­dell Win­ches­ter (Port­land Tim­bers 2/USA), Kadeem Corbin (St Ann's Rangers).

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