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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Bonus $$ for Steel



T&T Red Steel play­ers are like­ly to get more prize mon­ey than they catered for af­ter win­ning the 2015 Hero CPL T20 tour­na­ment at the Queen's Park Oval on Sun­day night.In front of a packed house, Dwayne Bra­vo's men turned back de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Bar­ba­dos Tri­dents to claim their first ti­tle in the third edi­tion of the tour­na­ment.

Bat­ting first the Red Steel got to 178 for five off 20 overs with half cen­turies from Pak­istani Kam­ran Ak­mal and South African Cameron Del­port. Dwayne Bra­vo smashed a quick­fire un­beat­en 29 as well.Tri­dents got off to a great start but the Red Steel bowlers held their nerve to win the match and send the just over 18,000 fans in­to a fren­zy.

The team pock­et­ed US$400,000 for win­ning the tour­na­ment. They mon­ey was ex­pect­ed to be shared 50/50 be­tween the own­ers Red Chill­ies En­ter­tain­ment and the play­ers. This meant that the play­ers and man­age­ment would have had to share US$200,000.

How­ev­er, an of­fi­cial in the set up said that the own­ers are like­ly to for­feit their share of the prize mon­ey, since they were im­pressed with the per­for­mance of the Red Steel, which had not on­ly been match win­ning, but had al­so giv­en them a good enough re­turn on their in­vest­ment."The own­ers are like­ly to im­prove on what was promised and it is like­ly that the play­ers would get dou­ble what they ex­pect­ed."

The own­ers would have made a tidy sum giv­en the fact that all ad­ver­tis­ing spots avail­able on the play­ers gear were snapped up by lo­cal com­pa­nies. Al­so the Oval was sold out on most days with an av­er­age of 110,000 pa­trons go­ing through the turn­stiles over the sev­en match­es that were held at the Oval.

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