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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Matouk says U-20 women have far to go



T&T Un­der-20 Women So­ca War­rior play­er Maya Ma­touk is of the firm be­lief that she and her team­mates have not ac­com­plished any­thing and must re­mained fo­cused on the task at their feet.And that en­tails main­tain­ing their team bond and im­prov­ing as a unit as they move on to the Caribbean Foot­ball Union Un­der 20 Women's Cham­pi­onship in Haiti in Oc­to­ber.

Ma­touk, a stu­dent at Uni­ver­si­ty of Tam­pa, led T&T's charge in their 6-0 de­feat of Do­mini­ca in their CFU Un­der-20 Women's clos­ing first round fix­ture at Vic­to­ria Park, Kingstown, St Vin­cent and The Grenadines, on Tues­day night, to see them top Group Four with max­i­mum six points.T&T now moves on­to the Fi­nals round-of qual­i­fiers in Haiti from which the top three teams from the eight-team tour­na­ment will ad­vance to the Con­ca­caf Fi­nals.

At stake in that fi­nal tour­na­ment in Hon­duras in De­cem­ber will be a place in the 2016 Fi­fa Un­der 20 Women's World Cup in Papua New Guinea."Even though we ac­com­plished our first ob­jec­tive, go­ing on to the next round is go­ing to re­quire us to stay even more hum­ble and ded­i­cat­ed as we will be fac­ing teams that are stronger," a con­fi­dent Ma­touk said.

"We will take the ex­pe­ri­ence of the past games with us and hope to in­crease our lev­el of play to be vic­to­ri­ous in the next qual­i­fy­ing round. Win­ning this first round was def­i­nite­ly a con­fi­dence boost for all and this will keep our spir­its high," she con­tin­ued.

Look­ing back at the game in which she notched a dou­ble, the ex-St Ann's Rangers and IMG Acad­e­my play­er said stick­ing to the game plan laid out by head coach Ja­son Spence and prop­er com­mu­ni­ca­tion among the play­ers and staff were key fac­tors."Stick­ing to the game plan giv­en by coach was def­i­nite­ly the key fac­tor in our per­for­mance. We were told to give every­thing we had when we stepped out on the field and that's ex­act­ly what we did," she said.

The team was skip­pered by cen­tral de­fend­er Re­nee Mike and in­clud­ed the likes of the tal­ent­ed Amaya El­lis, Chel­cy Ralph, Tsa­ianne Le­an­der who scored a dou­ble in the 2-0 win over St Vin­cent and The Grenadines, Shau­na-Lee Govia, Naomie Guer­ra and goal­keep­er Nico­lette Craig.

"We stayed fo­cused and hum­ble through­out the qual­i­fiers. Be­ing a team with all team­mates ful­ly com­mit­ted and will­ing to strive for ex­cel­lence made our goal eas­i­er to achieve. We de­vel­oped an ef­fec­tive method of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and this was an­oth­er im­por­tant fac­tor that al­lowed the game to be played smooth­ly," Ma­touk added.

The T&T for­ward was a mem­ber of the T&T Un­der-17 Women's Team that won the 2013 Caribbean ti­tle in Haiti, beat­ing the hosts 1-0 in the fi­nal. She is fa­mil­iar with the con­di­tions there and has a feel for that stage."Now we have a few weeks to pre­pare for the next stage which is go­ing to be tougher and will re­quire more out of us. But I think every­one's up for it and we'll be work­ing to­wards stay­ing on top of our game and pull off the re­sults to keep us go­ing in this cam­paign," Ma­touk said.

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