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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Local beach v-ballers in Olympic qualifiers



Top lo­cal duo Fa­bi­en Whit­field and Daneil Williams will start as favourites to se­cure one of the two places avail­able when the T&T Vol­ley­ball Fed­er­a­tion stages its beach vol­ley­ball na­tion­al team se­lec­tion process for the sec­ond round of NORCE­CA Con­ti­nen­tal Olympic Qual­i­fiers.

The lo­cal play­ers will com­pete in three one-day tour­na­ments, serv­ing off to­day from 5.30 pm at the Na­tion­al Beach Vol­ley­ball De­vel­op­men­tal Cen­tre in Saith Park, Ch­agua­nas, at the end of which the top two teams will earn tick­ets to St Lu­cia.

Last month, Whit­field and Williams claimed a sec­ond ever bronze medal fin­ish on the NORCE­CA Tour when they placed third at the fifth stop of the Hick­o­ry Point Beach Sand Vol­ley­ball Com­plex in Tavares, Flori­da.

At the first round Caribbean Olympic Qual­i­fiers which were held at Ch­agua­nas, Whit­field and Williams won a "Gold­en Set" de­cider against Ja­maica top pair of vet­er­an Mark Lewis and Ryck Mc Ken­zie 15-12, for a 2-1 T&T team vic­to­ry.

Williams and Whit­field, who rep­re­sent­ed T&T at the Pan Amer­i­can Games, had ear­li­er swept aside a vis­i­bly in­jured Dono­van Richards and Christo­pher Wal­ters 21-10, 21-15, for a 1-0 lead.

But Lewis/Mc Ken­zie (Ja­maica-A) kept alive their hopes of gold when they si­lenced Abra­ham Ec­cles and Tevin Joseph (TTO-B), 21-15, 21-13 to lev­el the tie at 1-1 and set up the "Gold­en Set" where the host backed by a vo­cif­er­ous home crowd pow­ered their way to vic­to­ry.

Among the lo­cal women's teams, Pan Amer­i­can Games par­tic­i­pants, Ayana Dyette and Ma­li­ka David­son will start as favourites to earn tick­ets to Ja­maica.

How­ev­er, they will face a stern test from the pairs of Shenelle Gor­don/El­ki Phillip and Ap­phia Glas­gow/La Teisha Joseph, all of whom rep­re­sent­ed T&T in the Caribbean first-round qual­i­fi­er of the NORCE­CA Con­ti­nen­tal Cup Olympic Qual­i­fiers which were held at Ocho Rios Bay, Ja­maica, in May.

Back then the T&T women de­feat­ed their Bar­ba­di­an op­po­nents, 2-1 in their third place play­off via the "Gold­en Set", with Glas­gow and Joseph beat­ing Shari Matthews and Ani­cia Wood, 16-14.

Ja­maica, which de­feat­ed Cay­man Is­lands in the fi­nal, along with fifth and sixth-placed fin­ish­ers Suri­name and US Vir­gin Is­lands, all earned spots in a sec­ond-round tour­na­ment of the qual­i­fiers against the top six teams from the East­ern Caribbean zone.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly all who are in­ter­est­ed in be­com­ing a beach vol­ley­ball coach are in­vit­ed to at­tend a meet­ing at the same venue for 6 pm to­day.

�2For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, please con­tact Col­in Charles @ 375-1227 or David Thomas @ 356-6792.

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