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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Bovell, Carter target Arena Pro Swim medals



Nigel Si­mon

Top lo­cal swim­ming duo, Olympic bronze medal win­ner George Bovell III and World Youth Olympic sil­ver and bronze medal­list, Dy­lan Carter con­tin­ue their 2016 Rio Olympic Games prepa­ra­tions when they com­pete at the Are­na Pro Swim Se­ries from to­day.

The three-day meet fea­tur­ing some of the top swim­mers in the USA in­clud­ing US Olympic cham­pi­ons Mis­sy Franklin, Katie Ledecky, Ryan Lochte, and record gold medal­lists Michael Phelps takes place at the Jean K. Free­man Aquat­ic Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, Min­neapo­lis.

The 32-year-old Bovell III, al­so a two-time World Cham­pi­onship bronze medal win­ner will be re­turn­ing to ac­tion for the first time since the Pan Amer­i­can Games in Toron­to, Cana­da in Ju­ly where he cap­tured bronze in the men's 50m freestyle fi­nal.

It was his fifth Pan Amer­i­can Games medal won, af­ter pick­ing up two golds and two sil­ver in his pre­vi­ous ap­pear­ances.

A for­mer Auburn Uni­ver­si­ty stand-out swim­mer, Bovell was then ex­pect­ed to com­pete at the 16th FI­NA World Cham­pi­onship in Kazan, Rus­sia (Ju­ly 24-Au­gust 9).

How­ev­er, he joined a star stud­ded list of ath­letes who did not com­pete at the Cham­pi­onships and fol­lowed the four-time Olympian's with­draw­al from last De­cem­ber's 12th FI­NA World Swim­ming Cham­pi­onships (25m) in Do­ha, Qatar due to per­son­al rea­sons.

Bovell, who was a five-time NCAA cham­pi­on al­so opt­ed out of this year's FI­NA Swim­ming World Cup Cir­cuit events, and af­ter some in­tense traing over the past few months will make his much an­tic­i­pat­ed re­turn to­day.

The Cana­di­an-born Bovell a 25-time All Amer­i­can Ho­n­our Roll stu­dent will face the starter in the men's 100m breast­stroke to­day from 11.46am be­fore he com­pete in his pet event, the 50m freestyle to­mor­row (Fri­day) from 11.43 am

The 19-year-old Carter, a Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia All-Amer­i­can is sit­ting out of the com­ing NCAA sea­son in or­der to pre­pare for the 2016 Olympic year.

Carter was the on­ly T&T swim­mer to make a semi­fi­nal in Kazan where he placed 15th in semis of the 50me­tres but­ter­fly, and al­so com­pet­ed in the 100 freestyle, 100 back­stroke and 100 but­ter­fly.

With the Tro­jans, Carter scored at NCAAs in both the 100m freestyle and 200m freestyle last year as a sopho­more and per­haps best known for his re­lay hero­ics in the meet's last event, run­ning down NC State for a na­tion­al ti­tle for USC in the 400 free re­lay.

He al­so swam on the win­ning 800 free re­lay.

Al­so, a sil­ver medal win­ner in the men's 50m but­ter­fly at the 2013 FI­NA World Ju­nior Cham­pi­onship, Carter has to hit a FI­NA "A" cut in or­der to qual­i­fy.

To­day, he will line up in the men's 200m freestyle from 11am be­fore fac­ing the starter in the 100m back­stroke to­mor­row from noon, and the 100m freestyle on Sat­ur­day at 1.15 pm.

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