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Monday, February 24, 2025

Carter faster than Phelps in Grand Prix swim



World Youth Olympic sil­ver and bronze medal swim­mer Dy­lan Carter con­tin­ued his 2016 Rio Olympic Games prepa­ra­tions with an im­pres­sive swim in the men's 200 me­tres freestyle at the Are­na Pro Swim Se­ries, yes­ter­day, even faster than record Olympic gold medal­list Michael Phelps.

Com­pet­ing at the Jean K Free­man Aquat­ic Cen­tre, Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, Min­neapo­lis, the 19-year-old Carter, a Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia All-Amer­i­can–who is sit­ting out of the com­ing NCAA sea­son in or­der to pre­pare for next year's Games–touched the wall in one minute, 50.84 sec­onds, an Olympic Qual­i­fy­ing stan­dard time.

The time by Carter, who was the on­ly T&T swim­mer to make a semi­fi­nal at the 16th FI­NA World Cham­pi­onship in Kazan, Rus­sia, in Ju­ly/Au­gust where he placed 15th in the 50me­tres but­ter­fly was the ninth best over­all, and ahead of Olympic all-time lead­ing medal­list (22 medals), Phelps, who touched the wall in 1:51.34 in his heat.

Carter, who lined up in the B-Fi­nal last night was fol­lowed home in his heat by Chase Kalisz (1:52.12), Marce­lo Acos­ta (1:52.36), Michael Flach (1:52.88), Alex Co­hen (1:53.64), Nicholas Sweetser (1:53.84), Walk­er Hig­gins (1:54.43) and Ryan Fee­ley (1:54.95).

The top eight qual­i­fiers for the A-Fi­nal were Cono Dwyer (1:48.95 mins), Joao De Luc­ca (1:49.68), Ryan Lochte (1:49.69), Trevor Car­roll (1:49.70), Michael Weiss (1:49.78), Ma Lin­den­bauer (1:49.97), Bob­by Hur­ley (1:50.02) and Gio­van­ny Li­ma (1:50.81), all of whom at­tained Olympic Tri­als qual­i­fi­ca­tion stan­dard time.

Al­so, a sil­ver medal win­ner in the men's 50m but­ter­fly at the 2013 FI­NA World Ju­nior Cham­pi­onship, Carter will be back in ac­tion in the men's 100m back­stroke from noon to­day (Fri­day), while to­mor­row he com­petes in the 100m freestyle heats at 1.15 pm.

T&T Olympic bronze medal win­ner George Bovell III, in his first meet since the Pan Amer­i­can Games in Toron­to, Cana­da, in Ju­ly where he cap­tured bronze in the men's 50m freestyle fi­nal, al­so failed to get to the A-fi­nals of the men's 100m breast­stroke.

This af­ter the 32-year-old, al­so a two-time World Cham­pi­onship bronze medal­list and five-time NCAA cham­pi­on end­ed sev­enth in heat four in 1:05. 56 min­utes for 39th over­all.The six-time Pan Amer­i­can Games medal win­ner and four-time Olympian re­turns to the pool with the hope of much bet­ter for­tunes in his pet event, the 50m freestyle from 11.43 am to­day.

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