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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Cycling honours for Campbell and Samuel




Ak­il Camp­bell and Gevan Samuel were crowned the 2015 and 2016 Pres­i­dent's Cup win­ners re­spec­tive­ly when the T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion held its An­nu­al Awards for the years at the Na­tion­al Cy­cling Cen­tre in Bal­main Cou­va on Sat­ur­day night.

The awards, giv­en to the cy­clists who have achieved the most dur­ing the year, were the fea­ture on the night's pro­gramme and came af­ter all oth­er rid­ers were recog­nised for their achieve­ments for the two years.

Njisane Phillip, the lo­cal cy­cle ace, was vot­ed the most out­stand­ing in­ter­na­tion­al cy­clist for the past two years, while An­tho­ny Sel­l­i­er, who coached Pan Amer­i­can Ju­nior Track Cham­pi­onship gold medal in the match-sprint Nicholas Paul, was ad­judged the Coach of the Year for both pe­ri­ods.

Tineil Camp­bell walked away with the award for Elite Women for 2015 while Jhor­dan St George earned the Ju­nior Women prize and Paul, who is ex­pect­ed to re­turn home from a UCI cy­cling sting in Switzer­land this month, got the ju­nior men award for that year (2015).

Camp­bell was al­so among the record-break­ing per­for­mances for 2016 in the ju­nior women Fly­ing 250m, 3km in­di­vid­ual pur­suit, along with Keiana Lester, Jabari White­man, Paul, Chaquille Hen­ry, Varun Ma­hara­jh, Ak­il Camp­bell, Jov­ian Gomez and Garvyn Nero.

The event, at­tend­ed by many dig­ni­taries with­in the sport­ing fra­ter­ni­ty as T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee pres­i­dent Bri­an Lewis and Chair­man of SporTT Michael Phillip, saw a cadre of young rid­ers dom­i­nat­ing the pro­ceed­ings which is ev­i­dent of the suc­cess­ful de­vel­op­ment works be­ing done by pres­i­dent Robert Far­ri­er and his ad­min­is­tra­tion.

The lo­cal cy­cling boss said in­spite of chal­lenges faced in reach­ing out to all stake­hold­ers, his fed­er­a­tion has agreed to em­bark on a process of in­volve­ment and con­sul­ta­tion by en­gag­ing care­ful­ly on a strate­gic plan­ning process that will seek the ad­vice of pro­fes­sion­als to chart a way for­ward for the sport.

Far­ri­er his fed­er­a­tion has al­ready held four ses­sions that in­clud­ed mem­bers of the fra­ter­ni­ty who were asked to give their opin­ions on the sport. In a pre­pared speech Far­ri­er not­ed his fed­er­a­tion al­so grap­ple with com­mu­ni­ca­tion chal­lenges that stem from the op­er­a­tions of the sport at the man­age­ment lev­el to the dis­sem­i­na­tion of in­for­ma­tion at the club lev­el that is due large­ly be­cause club rep­re­sen­ta­tives do not at­tend key meet­ings.

He urged cy­clists to im­press up­on their club rep­re­sen­ta­tives to be present at meet­ings where key de­ci­sions for the sport are made. Ac­cord­ing to Far­ri­er "There are month­ly Coun­cil meet­ings at which dis­cus­sions and de­ci­sions re­gard­ing bud­gets, al­lo­ca­tion or spend­ing of fi­nance, changes to poli­cies etc are vot­ed on. The coun­cil is the body which has the au­thor­i­ty and pow­er to af­fect change and as such at­ten­dance by club reps are vi­tal­ly im­por­tant."

He added "I im­plore you cy­clists to hold your club reps re­spon­si­ble for at­tend­ing meet­ings and for com­mu­ni­cat­ing the dis­cus­sions and de­ci­sions made at these meet­ings. Get in­volved and let your voice be heard through your club rep­re­sen­ta­tives."

More in­fo

Ho­n­our Roll 2015

Un­der-7 Girls- Shame­ka Hoyte

U-7 Boys- Gio­van­ni Grana­do

U-9 Girls Kyra Williams

U-9 Boys Javon Ram­roop

U-11 Girls Alex­ia Wil­son

U-11 Boys Jesse Hen­der

U-13 Girls Sylese Chris­t­ian

U-13 Boys Ryan D'Abreau

Tinymtes Women Ash­ley White­man

Tinymites Men D' An­ge­lo Har­ris

Ju­ve­nile Women � Ch­enelle Wal­cott

Ju­ve­nille Women- Tyler Cole

Mas­ters 79+- Ronald Pe­ters

Mas­ters 65-69- Pe­ter Her­nan­dez

Mas­ter 60-64- Cyril Fook

Mas­ter 55-59- Mar­tin Whar­wood

Mas­ters 50-54 � Rod­ney Woods

Mas­ters 45-49- Rudy Bra­vo

Mas­ters 40-44 � Roger Mal­co

MTB- Ju­nior Men- Pe­ter Sel­l­i­er

MTB- Elite Women- Can­dace Chin Fatt

MTB Elite Men- Ja­son Costel­loe

Ju­nior Men- Ra­mon Bel­montes

Ju­nior Women- Kol­lyn St George

Elite Women- Jo­di Goodridge.

Most Out­stand­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Cy­clist 2015- Njisane Phillips

Coach of the year 2015- An­tho­ny Sel­l­i­er

Club of the Year 2015- Rigtech Son­ics.

2016 Awards

U-7 Girls Re­nee For­tune

U-7 Boys Jahziel Gor­don

U-9 Girls Ma­ia Sey­ja­gat

U-9 Boys Jaquan El­borne

U-11 Girls Kyra Williams

U-11 Boys Tyrese Mc Mil­lian

U-13 Girls Alex­ia Wil­son

U-13 Boys Ryan Ma­haraj

Tinymites Women Makay­la Her­nan­dez

Tinymites Men D'An­ge­lo Har­ris

Ju­ve­nile Women Adri­ana Sey­ja­gat

Ju­ve­nile Men Jabari White­man

Mas­ter 70+ Joey Nunes

Mas­ters 65-69 Pe­ter Her­nan­dez

Mas­ters 60-64 Cyril Fook

Mas­ters 55-59 Gre­go­ry Dan­drade

Mas­ters 50-54 Rod­ney Woods

Mas­ters 45-49 Mar­lon Joseph

Mas­ters 40-44 Roger Mal­co

MTB Ju­nior Men Pe­ter Sel­l­i­er

MTB Elite Women Can­dace Chin­Fatt

MTB Elite Men Ryan Chin

Ju­nior Men Nicholas Paul

Ju­nior Women Jhor­dannSt George

Elite Women Te­niel Camp­bell

Record Break­ing Per­for­mances

Kol­lyn St George, Te­niel Camp­bell, Keiana Lester, Jabari White­man, Nicholas Paul, Chaquille Hen­ry, Varun Ma­hara­jh, Ak­il Camp­bell, Jov­ian Gomez, Garvyn Nero

Most Out­stand­ing In­ter­na­tioal Cy­clist- Njisane Phillip

Coach of the Year- An­tho­ny Sel­l­i­er

Club of the Year- Break­away Cy­cle Club

Pres­i­dent's Cup Gevan Samuel

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