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Friday, March 21, 2025

Katich takes over from Helmot at TKR



Trin­ba­go Knight Rid­ers have named Aus­tralian Si­mon Katich as head coach for the up­com­ing Caribbean Pre­mier League sea­son.

The 41-year-old Katich, a for­mer Test bats­man, re­places coun­try­man Si­mon Hel­mot who has ac­cept­ed a long term ap­point­ment as a high per­for­mance coach with the Bangladesh Crick­et Board.

"It's an ex­cit­ing op­por­tu­ni­ty to coach a suc­cess­ful fran­chise like TKR in the Hero CPL and al­so great to ex­tend the as­so­ci­a­tion with the Knight Rid­er Fam­i­ly from [Kolkata Knight Rid­ers] to TKR," said Katich, who is cur­rent­ly as­sis­tant coach with KKR in the In­di­an Pre­mier League.

Hel­mot leaves the post af­ter three years suc­cess­ful years in charge. He over­saw TKR's ti­tle cap­ture in 2015 and al­so led the side in­to the play­offs in 2014 and 2016.

"I would like to sin­cere­ly thank the en­tire TKR fam­i­ly for all the sup­port dur­ing my three years with the fran­chise," Hel­mot said.

Fol­low­ing the ap­point­ment Dwayne Bra­vo, the team's cap­tain said that, "I just want to say con­grat­u­la­tions to Si­mon be­ing ap­point­ed to the coach­ing job of the Bangladesh crick­et acad­e­my. Its been great work­ing with him. I have known Si­mon for more than eight years now and we have come a long way. Si­mon is not just a coach, he's more of a friend, per­son­al friend and I think that re­la­tion­ship be­tween Si­mon and us re­al­ly helped us build T&T tea­mand ther way how the guys looked up to him. I al­so want to wel­come Katich on board with us.I was lucky enough to play against him, now he will be coach­ing."

TKR are owned in part by In­di­an Bol­ly­wood star, Shah Rukh Khan, and is close­ly aligned with KKR.

The fran­chise fea­tures the likes of in­ter­na­tion­al Twen­ty20 stars Dwayne Bra­vo and Sunil Nar­ine.

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